Tired of my delta printer...
think you have reason....
It is the great fear that I have, that I mount a new printer, and that for something that does not do well ... I will burn a Duet plate again ... But the other option is almost worse, if I change the Duet plate, in my current one printer, without changing practically anything ... I'm condemned to fry another board ... and I don't know how to get out of that loop .... when the Duet v2 board arrived, I was happy because it had more fuses than 1, and I thought that he was protected ... but apparently it wasn't enough.
My biggest fear, mounting a new printer, and burning another duet board again .... but I DON'T know how to deal with the problem
@peirof main thing to do is to test. Get a multimeter and test all your connections. Check for shorts to ground, shorts to Vin etc.
Reading your other thread, it sounded like you had a short somewhere in your hotend wiring which needed diagnosing and fixing before the Duet was powered up... even if the Duet has fuses, they take a (small) amount of time to blow so won't always protect your board from that kind of damage
@engikeneer said in Tired of my delta printer...:
Reading your other thread, it sounded like you had a short somewhere in your hotend wiring
I haven't seen that thread, but another where a Duet1 board has a burnt driver chip. The error seems to be in wiring/electronics mishaps.
Available in different sizes from 200x200 up to 500x500. All metal design.
Thanks to all...
For the moment I have 2 preselected printers:
- Rat Rig V-Core 3
- Voron Trident
Its easier purchase Rat Rig components...
Some options of those printers?
@peirof said in Tired of my delta printer...:
Some options of those printers?
I would say, stay away from bowden extruders, go with direct ones.
My 2c.
I'm studying the options, for the moment I think I'm staying with the Ratrig...
Maybe I like the idea of the Voron better... But the configured Ratrig website, makes getting the components much easier than the voron.
I have a doubt, after using the configurator, I do not know if you have tried it ...
And it is that when choosing the board gives you the option of Duet v3 mini (it is the idea I had, for that perfect face) but adds:
- Duet 3 mini
- v1 WiFi with Duet v3 (I suppose I guess this will be to add WiFi to the duet 3 mini)
- Dual steppers expansión board (Ratrig uses 5 steppers motors, duet 3 mini have 5 drivers... Why this expansión board?)
Someone can give me feedback about these printer?
@peirof said in Tired of my delta printer...:
Ratrig uses 5 steppers motors
It's possible that they use 3 independent Z motors? (+ two for X/Y and one for extruder) and thus needs the expansion to drive the 6th motor.
The 'V1' is the version of the Duet Mini5+ Wifi. Github shows two versions, 1.0 and 1.01. Not sure what the differences are.
I think it depends a bit on what material you want to print. Do you want to print ABS/ASA/PC then you'll want an enclosed printer.
I would recommend a Voron for that, a Trident or the 2.4. Yes, the 2.4 has some challenges, it has a flying gantry and four z-motors but it's very well designed and together with some mods it's a print-and-go machine. It requires that you understand it though, it's not an Ender 3.
As with all enlosed printers that get's a higher chamber temp you will have heat expansion that can be a problem if you don't understand it. It can be handled with Auto Z-correction and mesh compensation with large prints. Or you always print with the same circumstances.
The community is large or rather getting huge, though we are a fewerbunch using Duets but it works really nice with the 1LC toolboard. Just four cables to the toolhead. It is though an DIY printer for people who want to build a printer themself.
Tuned it can produce great prints. Small example in ABS (greatly enlarged. It's about 3 cm across):
If you want mainly a PLA-printer I would go with maybe another machine, open frame or where the enclosement is more of an afterthought.
@gixxerfast said in Tired of my delta printer...:
er getting huge, though we are a fewerbunch using Duets but it works really nice with the 1LC toolboard. Just four cables to the toolhead. It is though an DIY
I see, that you have a Voron....
How did you get the materials?
Did you take the BOM from the web, and you were buying them separately?
Did you buy a pack? Web?
The printed parts ... did you buy them, or did you print them?As I have said, I like the Voron more, but finding the materials to make it seems more complicated, although I already have part of them ...
@engikeneer said in Tired of my delta printer...:
Get a multimeter and test all your connections.
I have started to build me a little teststation, where I test all electronic components before I use it with a Duet:
- endstop
- steppers (with Arduino and Pololu)
- hotend circuit
- wires with crimping (I've still problems to crimp)
So I know that the electronics are ok (no short circuits, right poling) before I "set the Duet under danger".
@peirof I bought the parts from mainly a couple of sources, Fermio (DE), Lecktor (EE) and AliExpress (Powge and Trianglelabs and a few more). Then a few bits here and there and the Duet boards from Denmark.
I built an Ikea Lack enclosure for my Ender 3 and printed the first parts on that in ABS/ASA. Then I have reprinted most parts on the 2.4 itself as I have modified it.
Yes, there are so many now that want Voron parts, but checkout the Voron Discord there you will get heap of info, almost too much
A very friendly and helpful bunch https://discord.gg/voron
@joergs5 said in Tired of my delta printer...:
no short circuits, right pol
Seems a good tip...
but... how do you know if a component its wrong? Check continuti, voltage?
@peirof said in Tired of my delta printer...:
component its wrong? Check continuti, voltage?
At the moment it depends on the component, but in most cases yes. Sometimes only a check whether it works. And I'm trying to do the best to stay at a specific color coding if possible, black always ground, red 24/12/5V/3.3V, steppers black+green together. (that's easy to remember for me: black and green political parties in germany).
thanks, i go to the Discord.... -
@o_lampe It is one of the components that I thought to reuse from my current printer
@o_lampe said in Tired of my delta printer...:
@zapta As our stepper Guru: Wouldn't it be better to use 1.7A steppers with the D3mini?
@o_lampe , I am far from knowing much about steppers.
The rule of thumb I am aware of it is 80% of stepper's rated current. For this specific case, since RatRig provide both the steppers and controller, and since they have good reputation in general, I would consult with them.
@peirof, since you are now focusing on the RigRat, I suggest to also join one of the RigRat's forums and talk with other users.
For your question about Voron printed parts, I got them from somebody on etsy.com. There is also the Voron's own PIF program https://pif.voron.dev, which takes some time but most likely the LDO kits will be available once you will get the parts. I started to order in early may and was able to start building mid july when the Misumi extrusions arrived, and then took my time building it properly, no rush.
@peirof said in Tired of my delta printer...:
I'm tired of my delta printer....
The last thing is that another duet board has fallen, and it's the second... I've decided to start over...What wad the failure mode of the Duet?
If your delta printer was working well, then I suggest you sort out why the Duet failed rather than cannibalise it for parts for another printer. I have five 3D printers, and the delta is still the one I use when I want to do serious prints. The Duet WiFi in it must be 4 or 5 years old by now.
OTOH if you never managed to get good prints reliably with your delta, then I can understand you wanting to try something else.
Having two 3D printers is very useful, because when one of them breaks a part, you can use the other to print a new part for it.
I have mixed feelings, the printer was originally a Tevo Little Monster ... One of the first modifications I made was the installation of a Duet V1 board ...
Little remains of the original printer, the outer structure, the heated bed, the endstops ... and little else, some screws
I already had a problem with this board, which after sending it to the SAT, was solved with the cancellation of a Driver.
At that time, I decided to change to a more powerful electronic, which was the DUET v2 board, which due to the pandemic, has been stopped for a long time, and when I started the printer again, and got good prints ... this happens to me ... in the middle of an impression he stops.
In the tasks of finding out what happens, I am wrong, and I do it with the power on ... result ... smoke in the cable of the ZProbe (piezo precision) and Duet V2 dead ...
It is a printer that I have dedicated a lot of time and resources to, but it is giving me many problems, I feel that if I only change the plate, I risk having another beautiful and expensive "paperweight", called Duet ...
So I prefer to start almost from 0, and seeing the finishes that are achieved with the Corexy, I think it is the most interesting option. I do not care too much about the printing speed, but the quality of the finish.
My feelings are mixed, since it is a printer to which I have dedicated a lot of time, resources, and it has given me great joys, but great disappointments, the last one, the Duet V2 board burned ... and the worst I DON'T KNOW WHY .