@Polyneutron21 said in Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin):
What is the point of all this.
That may be a good question actually. Is there something you require the Pi for, rather than just standalone mode?
@Polyneutron21 said in Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin):
What is the point of all this.
That may be a good question actually. Is there something you require the Pi for, rather than just standalone mode?
@fcwilt no, as that’s the version that’s distributed with 3.6.0-beta.4
@fcwilt assuming you’re running standalone, the ones whose name matches your board(s), so probably Duet3Firmware_Mini5plus.uf2, and DuetWebControl-SD.zip. Upload them as-is.
@thomasvanderwal said in Duet 2 v1.02 not responding:
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 3.0 running on Duet Ethernet 1.02 or later
Now that you're seeing some progress it may be a good time to update your firmware before you get too far with configuring. 3.0 is quite old now.
If you have access to DWC, you should upload the following zip files one at a time. It will prompt to install the firmware and restart. Then upload the next version, etc.
The reason for uploading 3.0 again is to ensure all of the required files are present.
@fcwilt Reverting is easier, because you just upload the 3.4.6 release zip file. But 3.6 isn't too far away from being released, and it would be good to get your feedback if anything is broken for you before we release!
And people that have had WiFi issues have found the latest 3.6 beta (along with the other suggestions) fixes them.
@fcwilt Try it with the 3.6.0-beta.4. Or revert everything to 3.4.6.
@Timothee-Leblond I think your motor is this one: https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/nema-17-stepper-motor-bipolar-l-48mm-w-gear-ratio-5-1-planetary-gearbox-17hs19-1684s-pg5
That looks like a pretty standard NEMA 17 motor with a 5.18:1 gearbox on it. The step angle is 0.35 after the gearbox, because a normal NEMA 17 motor has a 1.8° step angle, so divided by 5.18 = ~0.35°.
1.8 step angle is 200 full steps per revolution. Multiply by the gear ratio of 5.18 = 1036 full steps per revolution after the gearbox. Multiplied by x16 microstepping is 16576 steps per revolution.
As I said, if your pulley are the same size, you can ignore them. One turn of the motor will be one turn of the piston screw. You need to measure how far the piston moves with one turn. Say it moves 5mm, then your steps per mm would be 16576 / 5 = 3315.2.
@Timothee-Leblond You probably want to set it, at least to start with, as the number of steps for 1mm movement of the piston. It will be based on the size of the pulleys driving the belt (though if they are the same, can be ignored), and the thread pitch of the nut that drives the piston.
You can then work out the mm^3 you extrude for 1mm, by multiplying by the radius of the syringe (actually pi*r^2). You can specify extrusion in mm^3, see https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes#m200-volumetric-extrusion.
@JADoglio you can have macro buttons on the Dashboard page of DWC (Control page of PanelDue) but not on the Status pages.
There is a plugin for DWC called BtnCmd (https://github.com/MintyTrebor/BtnCmd) that lets you create custom layouts and buttons - perhaps that would be useful to you.
@tru_ann Are your Z axes belt or leadscrews? As noted here https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Sensors_stall_detection#limitations-of-stall-detection, stall homing is not as precise or repeatable as endstops or probes:
The stepper drivers only update the stall detection state every 1 or 4 full steps, depending on configuration. So the actual position of the stall is uncertain to either +/- half a full step or +/- 2 full steps. This means that when using stall detection to replace endstop switches, the position defined by the stall is much less accurate than with typical endstop switches.