Aliexpress selling GENUINE Duet Boards?
There are clones of the 0.8.5 as well:
those others are clones of the 0.6 not the 0.8.5.
That's a shame I thought you'd avoid it due to the complexity of your product, they're already selling ours, using our name too. If you haven't seen one I am serious you can take a look at it, assuming it arrives.
I tried via the aliexpress complaints procedure when we got a clone being offered didn't get anywhere. Though they linked all our documents directly which I then changed to include a little comment on cloned products.
And it actually drove traffic to my site.
Yes, Its the nature of opensource hardware, with Arduino being the most obvious example. Thousands of clones out there, yet people still buy the original ones as well.
Also its expressly in the terms of the license agreement that it is allowed to make a copy and sell it. They just need to comply with relatively straightforward terms on attribution and hosting of source etc. What would be better if people made a variation and sold that (assuming the source was distributed again).
Anyway fundamentally if Adrian Bowyer had not distributed the design for the original RepRaps and encouraged copying then its unlikely that lower cost FDM 3d printing would have taken of as it has done.
Chris Anderson, in his book, 'Makers: The New Industrial Revolution', says that being copied means you have a good product. And the good answer is to continue to improve and innovate, to always have a step ahead.
Yes and that's exactly what we (the cloned) are all doing.
The pictured board even says "Designed and Assembled in the UK" on the back. If they are even screening that on the boards and it's not just a pic of a legit one, then that's really low.
None of this is that surprising, but it will cause problems when they are junk boards that start failing and hurt Duet's brand.
It's a shame that hundreds/thousands of people will be drawn to these clones due to slightly lower costs.
I only buy genuine products, to support the creators of those good products. I would hope that anyone reading this would choose to do the same.
I don't know if this helps but it might. I once had someone copy some pics from my web site of a deck I had built, then pasted these onto there own web site and claimed the work as their own. It gets worse. The caption said something like "This is a deck we built for Mrs xxx. It gets worse still. They then had a testimonial from the non-existent Mrs xxx saying how please she was with her (non-existent) deck and what a good job these toe rags had done.
No one in authority, including trading standards, were interested but what did work was to find the hosting company (using whois) for that site and inform them that they were in breach of copyright. A google search will reveal how to write a "cease and desist" letter. Hosting companies are very twitchy about being sued for breach of copyright (at least Western ones are) so the images were taken down within hours of my informing them.
So if you can't stop them selling a copy of the board, you might be able to prevent them from using images of said board which will severely curtail their marketing efforts.
Might be worth exploring …...
To be fair open source is what it is, nicer if used by individuals and non profits to reproduce your work and benefit from it, but its going to be used by those who want to make money from it.
Personally I'd say that's fine (and please bear in mind my product is currently being cloned and sold) as long as they don't use your name, use your online documents without even having the decency to rewrite them even a little and host them themselves, and then make a bad copy of the product as they don't understand it (which wouldn't matter if they didn't use our name). But I've no issue at all with someone making a piezo z probe, if I did I would have gone closed source, patents, copyrights etc…
We are getting more sales because of it, as e3d do, a lot of people start with a clone and then buy the original.
I would suggest adding a note to your websites like DJ did on the piezo sites explaining how to tell if they got a legit or clone board because the users will be coming here/etc for instructions/support/firmware.
Was it really at half price? Seeing $133 down from $145 today.
I have to say that your attitudes to being copied like this make me really proud and happy that I decided to go with the duet wifi. I researched 32 bit boards for quite some time before settling on the duet.
Luckily I was about to go with the (what I think is WAY over hyped) smoothieboard, but got majorly turned off of it by the designer Arthur Wolf who in many forums bashed anyone else trying to do a 32 bit board and pretty much trashed anybody who bought a smoothie clone.
To be honest it is refreshing to see people responsible for creation roll with the punches of being cloned after weeks of reading all of the trash talk from smoothie developers.
I just wish you guys had the high profile of the smoothieboard, you definitely deserve it, the Duet series boards are way more polished and refined than any other 32 bit out there and yet other than here there is not much out there about you.
I love my Duet wifi and my smart effector, but what has made me a Duet customer for life is the attitudes of all you guys out there that develop these things.
Thank You all for designing such good hardware and then going above and beyond with your helpfulness and great attitudes. -
I just wish you guys had the high profile of the smoothieboard, you definitely deserve it, the Duet series boards are way more polished and refined than any other 32 bit out there and yet other than here there is not much out there about you.Thank you. Please help spread the word on other forums!
Please help spread the word on other forums!Doing my best - my blog gets between 50 and 200 visits per day and my YouTube channel gets around 400-500 views a month. I mention Duet a fair bit in both
I also push it quite extensively in the 3Dprinting Discord Chat group which can be accessed at
I give it the big thumbs up whenever its germane to the conversation, but people are very stubborn, I was one of them until I tried it.
I wonder if a suitable strategy might be to follow Nissan with the Leaf electric car, give you one for a week for free, knowing that you'll want to buy it at the end of the week almost for sure.
I am spreading the word for quite some time now already in the 2 FB Groups I administrate. I was asked several times, if I get any freebies from you guys for shamelessly advertising your boards whenever I can
. But the feedback of the satisfied user makes it worth it.
And I actually managed to discourage several people from buying that crap on Ali and instead going for the genuine board. And this is, as other already mentioned, because of the Duet community here and in other places, that actually makes the difference.So, keep up the good work. And if someone wants to build the ultimate CoreXY printer, then maybe the Hypercube Evolution is the one for you
Visit us in our FB groups or on Thingiverse…
…....................................And if someone wants to build the ultimate CoreXY printer, then maybe the Hypercube Evolution is the one for you
Visit us in our FB groups or on Thingiverse...
Nah, that's a bit small- oh and it's only single colour too
How about build volume 360 x 360 x 770 and 5 colour? and
BTW the link to Thingiverse shows the Hypercube Evolution as using Ramps1.4, under "Control System" not Duet.
As a very pleased owner of the Think3dPrint3d Kossel Mini kit (Duet 0.85) I see more reasons why people are buying such clones beside the lower prices. An average maker like me, will have major problems building his own printer just from a BOM and some drawingings. Maybe not only for skill but also for time reasons.
Before I decided to build my own printer, I did a lot of research what is available on the market and where to buy. Happily I found the kit from T3DP3D. When looking around nowadays , there are not many well documented and advanced kits that don’t come from China sources, may be the original Prusa i3 and a few others. Even fewer are featuring the Duet Wifi. I don’t know why T3DP3D has discontinued the kit, but there where good reasons I assume.
In summery most BOM are based 90% on Aliexpress and the remaining parts are often from USA, where ordering directly mostly ends up with unpleasant hours in the local tax office (at least in my German city). I think most people feel ordering a few more parts from Aliexpress is just comfortable, so why looking for the original designs.
I can’t judge the current 3D printer market, but the success of the original Prusa i3 seems to prove that there is a demand for good maker kits, even when not in the lowest prince range.
Personally I would like to see a good kit, with all the recent developments that are available or discussed on different threads of this forum.
I think T3P3 discontinued their Mini Kossel kits because it was too hard to compete with the many Mini Kossel kits coming from China, even though the T3p3 kit was much better.
If you look at their listing at you will see that they are now producing a limited number of Kossel XL kits. These are similar to my design at except that the frame is black and the bed heater is 24V.
The other kits I know of that use the Duet are and
deckingman, nice printer, but well, our printer design is more the printer for the average user for a very attractive price (The standard 300x300x350 is around 450 Euros). And the dimensions are not fixed, neither is the hotend. We have users, that built an EVO with 600x600x1000 that runs very nice and still is easy to build. More than 130 have built one until now, can not be that bad
And the Thingiverse list shows of course the cheapest possible way to build that printer. But the advantage is the possibility to upgrade, no? And many have upgraded to the Duet Wifi.
And where is your design published and shared?