@myersm1234 I set up the bench test again, with the ribbon cable and 4-wire cable connected to the PanelDue this time. My accelerometer behaved perfectly!
One thing I noticed is that if you run the command to define the accelerometer M955 P0 C"spi.cs2+spi.cs1" I61, and it goes through okay, you can disconnect the accelerometer and M955 P0 will still report that the accelerometer is there. It's only by sending the full command again that it actually looks for it, and reports if it cannot find it.
So I'm not sure why you are having problems. Possibly a damaged PanelDue cable, or that it ran near something that generated a bit of interference, or something else on your board is causing noise on the board that having the PanelDue ribbon cable connected exacerbates enough to drown out the accelerometer.
If people are having problems with their accelerometers in the future, I'll certainly try and remember this as a possible solution!