For who it might concern/help, I feel like I've got filament-change.g working decently well at this point:
; /sys/filament-change.g v2.2
; Called when M600 is sent
; Used to do a filament change while printing
; -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--
; ====================---------------------------------------------------------
; Settings section
; ====================
; Will not be used if you're using a "goto" macro
var x = 40 ; The X axis location where you want the hotend to "park" while changing filament
var y = 0 ; The Y axis location where you want the hotend to "park" while changing filament
var spd = 15000 ; The speed of which you want the hotend to move to the "park" location
var lift = 20 ; The Z clearance you want your nozzle to have from the print while changing filament
var lights = true ; true / false depending if you have chamber lights or not that you want to turn on
; If you don't have lights you want to turn on don't mess with these
var io = 0 ; The GPIO port number (set by M950) for the lights you want to turn on
var pwm = 1 ; The PWM to be set on the GPIO port above, 0=off 1=full power
var purge = 60 ; The amount of filament your hotend need to purge for a clean filament/color change
; Will be swaped out with global.unload_length if you have that defined!
var unload = 12 ; The length of which filament have to be retracted to clear the meltzone
; Don't touch anyting beyond this point(unless you know what you're doing)!!
; ====================---------------------------------------------------------
if exists(global.unload_length)
set var.unload = global.unload_length
var pwm_res = state.gpOut[{}].pwm ; Store the PWM from the PPIO port so that it can be returned after changing filament
if var.lights
M42 P{} S{var.pwm} ; Turn on the lights
if fileexists("/sys/lib/beep/l.g")
M98 P"/sys/lib/beep/l.g" ; Long beep
M400 ; Wait for moves to finish
G91 ; Relative positioning
M83 ; Extruder relative positioning
G10 ; Retraction
G1 Z1.00 X20.0 Y20.0 F20000 ; Short quick move to disengage from print
G1 Z{var.lift - 1} F800 ; Go to spesified Z clearance
if !fileexists("/sys/lib/goto/front_right.g")
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G1 X{var.x} Y{var.y} F{var.spd} ; Move the nozzle to the location defined in the settings section
if fileexists("/sys/lib/goto/front_right.g")
M98 P"/sys/lib/goto/front_right.g" {var.spd} ; Move to front right for filament change
G1 E2 F800 ; Extrude slightly to help form a nice tip on the filament
G1 E{-(var.unload)} F800 ; Retract filament from the meltzone
M400 ; Wait for moves to finish
if fileexists("/sys/lib/beep/xl.g")
M98 P"/sys/lib/beep/xl.g" ; Extra long beep
M291 S4 R"Manual Filament Change" P"Change & prime filament, then press OK." K{"OK","SKIP",}
; "OK"
if input = 0
G1 E{var.purge} F200 ; Purge filament
; "SKIP"
if input = 1
G1 E{var.unload} F800 ; Extrude filament back to the meltzone
M400 ; Wait for moves to finish
if var.lights
M42 P{} S{var.pwm_res} ; Return lights to previous state
if !exists(global.FilamentCHG)
global FilamentCHG = true
set global.FilamentCHG = true