Confirmation BEFORE "Print Again" start
Is it a way to add a confirmation promt when the "Print Again" button gets pressed (I want/need this in both DWC & PD, but mainly PD) with a macro/macro set?
Or is this something that has to be done on a firmware level? I've fat-fingered that button so many times on PD now that it seriously needs mitigation
You could put an M291 confirmation in start.g
It would prompt on every print though, not just print again.
If you only wanted to have the prompt on print again then I suppose you could compare the current job to the last job
I'm not 100% sure when lastFileName gets updated though.
You'd also have to check that both are not NULLif (job.lastFileName == job.file.fileName) && (job.lastFileName!=null) M291 S4 P"Begin print?" K{"Yes","No",} F1 if input = 1 abort