SOLVED: Issuing M18 to turn off motors results in probe responding to deploy/retract.
Recap of issue:
Heat nozzle
BLTOUCH probe does not respond to deploy retract
Suspect cause of issue is incorrectly formed stop, sleep, cancel scripts.
Perhaps these scripts should contain M18.
@Phaedrux many thanks for your assistance and input.
FOLLOW-ON Note in case it helps anyone else. This is my end of job script:
G1 H2 Z460 F3000 ; Drop the bed
G1 H2 X1 Y1 F8000 ; Move head near home position
M18 ; Motors off
M0 ; STOP which turns off heaters
I'm not sure why, but whilst there were instructions in stop.g the bed heater was shutdown but not the nozzle. So I emptied stop.g and in my shutdown.g the above results in the bed being parked, all heaters off and motors turned off, which finally results in the probe responding again.