@wschadow with regard to the machine position jumping around during a print, I have reproduced that. What's happening is that in 3.6 the reported machine position is the position after bed compensation has been applied, whereas in 3.5 it's the position before bed compensation is applied. So the reported Z machine position jumps around if you are using bed compensation.
I was expecting your other report (user Z position not being restored after pause/resume) to be related; however on my test machine the user Z position remains constant:
Pause: x= 27.9 y= -64.0 z= 2.00
Resume: x= 27.9 y= -64.0 z= 2.00
Pause: x= 47.2 y= 51.4 z= 2.00
Resume: x= 47.2 y= 51.4 z= 2.00
Pause: x= -60.6 y= 34.7 z= 2.00
Resume: x= -60.6 y= 34.7 z= 2.00
Pause: x= -24.9 y= -65.2 z= 2.00
Resume: x= -24.9 y= -65.2 z= 2.00
Perhaps it is configuration-dependent. Please provide your config.g file.