The current Duet WiFi firmware always uses DHCP to get an IP address and the gateway parameters. I'm thinking that this may not work with your VPN. The 1.19alpha firmware lets you set the IP and gateway addresses manually. However, some users have experienced problems with the current 1.19alpha firmware, so please wait until I have released an update later today before trying it.
As far as the DHCP is concerned, yes if I set the IP address within the Duet Wifi config.g file, it still is an IP lottery when it is reset.
However, on my router I was able to give it a static IP and it never….ever changed since I did it on the router side. I have thought about this before as well because it supports an IP camera, so if I could print and either remove the bed and put a new one on...or have a robotic arm to pull a part off the bed...controlling it from my phone in NY while the printer is in FL to print on unused bed space, or print in general so it is done when I come home is a luxury I am very interested in making work.
Technology is at its best when it becomes invisible. It's really not far from that.