i have been a component level engineer for over 30 years. I have dozens of diffrent crimpers... i luv having the exact right the tool for the job and all but to date best crimping results i have gotten was with a 99 cent pair or tiny needle nose. If you have the patience for it. still a good way to go IMHO

Best posts made by FrankNPrinter
RE: Which crimping tool for smart effector
RE: Pause/Stop AND Resume
highly recommend a battery backup that does power filtering as well tripplite or apc IMHO do this best at power filtering
Latest posts made by FrankNPrinter
RE: It's out! RepRapFirmware 2.0 and 1.21.1 released
THanks @Phaedrux ! I couldn't wait so finished upgrade about 130 this AM LOL that worked like a charm even if it read like mudd. someone might want to update the install for 1.21 vs 1.19 as that was the instruction i used. Still have panel due to go but everything else is 1.21 now. dont suppose there is a way to flash duo from duet wifi? Else wise i will have to pull apart my case un mount and disconnect it so i can carry it to the computer room and plug in usb. Shocked and amazed i have not heard from @dc42 yet. I seem to recall Dave sending me answers before i could finish the question back in the day. LOL Bet you are even more insanely busy but keep up the outstanding work! I can see so many improvements and advances since i went down this road before, it really is awesome the way you take everyone's crazy ideas and turn it into a new release.. epic stuff there that every company on the planet should be doing as a business model!
Now to tackle the bltouch issue again... later... much appreciated!
RE: Which crimping tool for smart effector
i have been a component level engineer for over 30 years. I have dozens of diffrent crimpers... i luv having the exact right the tool for the job and all but to date best crimping results i have gotten was with a 99 cent pair or tiny needle nose. If you have the patience for it. still a good way to go IMHO
RE: It's out! RepRapFirmware 2.0 and 1.21.1 released
thanks much @Phaedrux , i will give that a try this weekend!
RE: It's out! RepRapFirmware 2.0 and 1.21.1 released
Hi Dave been a while.. I see things have really progressed since i pestered you last. LOL I am getting ready to upgrade so i can get wifi working again. Great to see the evolution and addition of ssid and pw btw! I see i have some firmware updates to do as well but it is all a little confusing. i was wondering if someone can give me a cliff notes version of what to do 1st.
Duet wifi running ver 1.18.1 with panel due v 1.15c PC and printer are in opposite ends of house so ideally do this via sd card? What do i do 1st? Also confused about which are the latest versions and where to get them. I am hoping to get my ducks in a row for this weekend . BTW, loved the tidbit from E3D on how great the duet is. I have another printer now, running mks 1.4 board and wow, it is a real dinosaur by comparison. I had no idea how lucky i was with my 1st system. I am currently building a system with 1540 mm X, and 1500 mm Y \ Z so looking forward to the Duet2 as well -
RE: Need a decent power supply
on my 1st system i went 12 volt and being a pc gamer went with a high end atx power supply for the board and 120 AC for the 300 x 300 mm 750 watt bed. heatsup in about a minute if i dont throttle it lol so more then enough power. weather AC or DC, getting the load off the main board is HUGE! My 2nd machine is a tevo tornado and 24 v. i was pleasantly surprised by performance of fairly cheap 8 bit board and components running at 24 v again huge performance advantages here. I wish someone made a 24v gaming rated power supply, that would be an epic place to start with powering any machine. As we have seen with stepper smoother and the like, good CLEAN power can't be beat!
Large format dual PH working in tandem?
I am wondering if it is possible to build a large format machine along the lines of x = 4ft y = 4 ft and z = 2 ft I have a duet wifi now that i love in my FT5 chassis. I am wondering if it is capable of driving the 2 print heads to work on the same part together? If so, any limits to # of concurrent print heads +- expansion boards is my guess.
just saw this and wow but no idea what hardware or software they are running. did notice they are using encoders on the motors too… question is, can the duet wifi run something like this on a smaller scale?
https://www.youtube.com/embed/TkEOMQ6rQ6s -
RE: It Begins .. Wiring to a 12V-25A PSU with a 220V Heated Bed
yup you only want 2 wires for 12 volts.(12+vdc and return). PC power supplies often have multiple rails so you can share the load across different supply lines not that it matters since you only need one 12v source correct? Some rails have more amps than others BTW so not all 12v lines are the same. Check manufactures site for details if PS is not clearly labeled. i run ssr and 110 v 750 watt 300 x 300 mm bed heats up to 65c in about a minute so just maybe overkill depending on bed size. LOL recommend in line fuse to limit amps based on what you need and not what is available. you probably should not need anywhere near 40 or even 25 amps to run it. With that kind of potential, highly recommend massive chassis ground especially for the bed. Can't remember if it is 5vdc or 3.3vdc but if pc power supply, you can add that to the duet wifi too. hope this helps…
RE: Duetwifi w/ BLtouch
check the forum, several have documented all the little quirks of the bl touch models and how to get around them. Whitewolf and CAlvinX are pretty much subject matter experts as far as i am concerned…
RE: Dual Y - Mirror drive 1 to drive 4?
side note, on my FT5 the left side lead screw moves very easily. When I turn off the power, i can see it drop up to 10mm on the left side. My work around for now is to eyeball level the bed before power on. This gets it close enough for mesh leveling to work. I am thinking of setting a box under the bed after i power off to make it fall level instead of just 1 side. I am still waiting on parts to convert to single z motor. I have decent 2 amp motors so doubt power will be an issue. I am pretty much convinced the z motors in series is not a good idea. IMHO they do not always move equally. I have matched motors so resistance and voltage drop should be the same but i suspect there is something adding a bit of a voltage drop or delay on 2nd port. no idea why…If the Z mod goes well, I might try to make Y a single motor too. I am an old fart so always look for a hardware solution over a software fix. 6 one way or half dozen the other or am i missing something?
RE: Polling Duet w/ Arduino for Temperatures
btw, i have my fan set not to come on till layer 3 . Not sure you need all that extra arduino stuff as duet can do that for ya i think