@droftarts oh man, why I have not thought of it myself, I have now taught the SD card, there were many files on it, as it looks it works now for now. I'll test this further tonight and let you know.
but i did the fallback procedure an now the baord is listed as bossa in the com. this cant be right, or?
you probably need to reset the board as part of the fallback procedure, or ensure the erase jumper is removed after conncecting with bossa, but before starting the writing.
i upgraded the firmware to RFF3.1.1, now i have the problem with the always triggered on everey Pin, even on e1stop, witch didnt had that problem on 3.0, i switched back and the e1stop is working but the expansion pins dont.....
@MauriceM It's fine to leave it if you home Z using G30. But if, by mistake, you try using (or your homing.g files contain) a G1 H1 (ie a homing move) on Z, it will try to use the non-existant endstop, rather than the probe, to home Z, resulting in a crash. Better to remove the chance!