No response from YAT after sending command
@dc42 I'm a little puzzled, the comments in config.g say to enter to enable the DHCP but when I enter that data the browser times out. What settings do I use to enable DHCP in config.g so it will find the address itself ?
- will enable DHCP. DHCP means that the router will pick an IP address from it's range and assign it to the Duet. So isn't the IP you go to, it's just a placeholder.
To find the actual IP you can connect to your router and see what it was assigned. You can probably also reserve that address for the duet in your router control panel so that it doesn't change.
You could also find the IP address through USB again, but without a reservation at the router side, the IP may change again in the future.
By setting the IP address to in the M552 command in config.g on a Duet Ethernet, you are instructing the Duet to ask your router to allocate it an IP address. This helps to make sure that you don't give the Duet an IP address that is already in use on our network. Your router will then tell the Duet what IP address to use. In your case it will probably be 192.168.1.something and that is the address you need to enter in your browser. The address is not a valid IP address, that's why we use it to signal that DHCP should be used.
HTH David
@dc42 Thanks David, that's actually confirmed that I understood how it worked apart from how to enable DHCP, which again is actually what I thought it was. So here is my problem still -
I enter into config.g instead of the real IP address, I then try to connect but the browser just times out. Would this be a problem with my router, perhaps that isn't set for DHCP. I'll check out the admin page on my router, in the meantime could you give me your thoughts on my thoughts
@kayjay said in No response from YAT after sending command:
I then try to connect
What are you trying to connect to though?
@kayjay said in No response from YAT after sending command:
I then try to connect but the browser just times out.
What IP address did you enter in the browser, and where did you get that IP address from?
@phaedrux The duet web control. It works fine if I have in config.g and I enter that in the browser, all is ok but I wanted to change it over so that DHCP is in control of the IP.
@dc42 I entered and I got it from YAT when I connected to the board with USB during initial setting up, I had the board on my desk next to my PC. Now I can't connect via USB coz the printer is in a different room to my PC.
@kayjay said in No response from YAT after sending command:
@dc42 I entered and I got it from YAT when I connected to the board with USB during initial setting up, I had the board on my desk next to my PC. Now I can't connect via USB coz the printer is in a different room to my PC.
Like I said, your router will almost certain allocate a different IP address via DHCP.
@dc42 I undestand that, perhaps I'm missing something somewhere. I put into config.g for the IP address to enable DHCP. Isn't the s/w and the router supposed to take over now with no more input from me? so the IP is irrelevant, to me it's invisible when DHCP is working correctly. I'm only entering to get a connection manually because DHCP won't do it, the browser just times out.
I'll check through the router settings again in case I don't have DHCP activated in there.
@kayjay said in No response from YAT after sending command:
so the IP is irrelevant,
The IP is still very much relevant. DHCP will have assigned a new IP to the Duet. You will still need to know what it is to connect to it. And the router will need to be configured to reserve that new IP address for the Duet, otherwise it may change again in the future if the lease expires and isn't renewed. (for example, if the duet is left powered off for a while.)
In your case, if you can't arrange a DHCP reservation, it may be best to specify a static IP for the Duet using an IP either outside the DCHP range while still in the same subnet, or in the upper end of the DCHP range to hopefully avoid a potential conflict in the future where the router assigns the same IP you are using.
@phaedrux Sorry, I didn't mean that the IP wasn't relevant at all, I just meant it wasn't relevant when in DHCP because I don't need to enter it. Isn't DHCP supposed to do all that and make it invisible to me?
Your other suggestion sounds a better option for me, as you say making sure the IP is away from the ones that may be possible used by DHCP, I'll try that.
Incidentally, my router admin pages reports the IP for Duettest as but if I enter that into the browser it times out. I can still connct successfully with I can control the printer on that IP, turn heaters on and off, move motors etc etc...... wierd or what !
@kayjay said in No response from YAT after sending command:
sn't DHCP supposed to do all that and make it invisible to me?
Only if you're using a mDNS name to access the IP, like http://duet.local which I don't think works with the Duet Ethernet
@phaedrux OK, I think you're right there.
So, let me see if I have this right. I enable DHCP in config.g by creating a line that says
M552 P0.0.0.0
then I discover the IP either through my router or YAT, I the enter that IP into the browser address bar and it should stay the same all the time. Is that how DHCP works when done properly?
@kayjay said in No response from YAT after sending command:
Is that how DHCP works when done properly?
Yes, provided there is a DHCP reservation in the router for that IP, it should stay the same.
@phaedrux OK, thanks ...... phew I got there at last
I'll play about with it now and if I still can't achieve connection I'll set it up the way you suggested earlier.
Thanks pal ! you're a star .... and you too David !
@phaedrux Should the Gateway be set to 0 with M554 P0.0.0.0 as well ?
I think the gateway would still be your router IP
If you are using DHCP to get the IP address then it will automatically get the gateway address that way too.
@dc42 ok now I am puzzled. The config.g commenting says make the next two lines 0 for DHCP, which is the IP M552 and Gateway M554, so which is right. What should I enter in Gateway? I currently have and it's connecting.