Thanks again for your help, I'd be pulling my hair out by now (if I had more than a mm in length ) Could I politely ask, have you worked with a Bigbox printer at all? It has a few quirks, like the bed moving for Z changes rather than the bed.
I've updated firmware to 2.05.1 and have made a new set of files for /sys but I still had to change some of it, mainly the hot end temp sensor, it was config'd as a thermistor and I'm using a PT100 with the daughterboard, set by the configuring tool.
M305 P1 T100000 B4138 R4700 ; set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1
M143 H1 S300 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 300C
now changed to
M305 P1 X200
M143 H1 S300 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 300C
The temp max of 300 degrees doesn't show in the setting in DWC and I had to add it manually using the Default Heater temps and Add New Temp tools. Is that how it should be or should the max temp automatically show in DWC after being changed in config.g? Am I simply missing a setting on the config tool? I hope it's me messing up, the config tool is a great piece of software even though, to me, it seems too complicated
OK, back to my homing problem. I had to modify homeall.g after it was configured by the tool , I changed it to have Z move negative when shown as positive and vice versa because it's the bed that moves rather than the hot end, perhaps I missed the setting for that in the config tool. I also changed the movement for X and Y for the final position before the G30 probing is executed. Again, is there somewhere I can set this in the config tool?
OK, I've run with the newly configured files, there is a difference but an unwanted one. The problem is still there, that is it reaches the G30 command but doesn't appear to run it, basically it's the same as it was. There is one other difference, even though I have commanded it to move to X150, Y100, the board centre, just before G30 it doesn't move there, it goes to X100, Y20 and stops showing a pinkish error of G28 G0/G1 insufficient axes not homed.
Could you tell me how to display the files on the forum page and I can upload all the relevant files. I tried before by pasting in the files but the page returned a spam error unfortunately.