Laser filament monitor
@as-3d-druck yes and yes
Nice thank you.
I am looking forward to purchasing Duet3D laser filament monitor when it will be out for sale.
when its for sale even beta version i would be interested in purchasing this monitor
I would be interested too
Just woke up to another failed large print due to a jam. Please add me to your list. I am UK based, tinkerer, with some experience in programming Arduino and ESP microcontrollers.
Please throw me on there too @dc42
You've probably got more than enough, but I'd test it too.
looking forward to an eta
Any kind of ETA on these new filament monitors?
I would be interested in testing one of those too, since I have several printers (CoreXY and Deltas, all with DUETs), use OpenSCAD myself and do Arduino Programming, I think I meet the conditions (Except living in Germany and not in the UK
No word in a month? Hoping to hear something soon dc42
I'm putting in an end stop sensor based filament out sensor now in my CoreXY. Can anyone tell me if there is any point in a mechanical end stop board with a few support components and an LED, as opposed to just as simple switch? I find versions of both on Thingiverse. Does it matter with a Duet board?
@3dmntbighker The only thing that will matter between a simple switch and a switch with the LED is likely the high or low switching. For instance, I just installed a simple switch filament out sensor using a makerbot style endstop and it switches low. So you'll just need to set the relevant flag when you setup the command.
@phaedrux Thanks for the info. I wondered if a plain switch with no resisters anywhere could damage the Duet. Perhaps the inputs on the Duet are well protected and debounced?
@3dmntbighker said in Laser filament monitor:
@phaedrux Thanks for the info. I wondered if a plain switch with no resisters anywhere could damage the Duet. Perhaps the inputs on the Duet are well protected and debounced?
Yes, the endstop inputs are.
sorry for the delays. An update on testing is here:
This post is deleted! -
Hi to everyone who is beta testing this sensor. I built upon the geometry for the housing, and modified it so that the PTFE tube can't be pulled out , and also it is split-able so that you can remove the remnant filament after the tail end has been fed past the hob gear.
Video explaining it here:
.stl file here:
@punamenon That's a clever design. Nice work. Love the videos too.
@punamenon said in Laser filament monitor:
Hi to everyone who is beta testing this sensor. I built upon the geometry for the housing, and modified it so that the PTFE tube can't be pulled out , and also it is split-able so that you can remove the remnant filament after the tail end has been fed past the hob gear.
I'm a bit confused about having the sensor after the extruder. So you are relying solely on filament movement detection for both jams and out of filament conditions? Obviously once the hob stops pushing you will always still have filament present in the sensor. Just no movement. Mine is direct drive so this is purely my curiosity. I want a QuadFusion CMYK head eventually, so my filament detection will be a whole different worm can.