Multiple motion system
@Alva I think the first step will be to wait for 3.6.0-beta.2 (due shortly I think) and test again with that. If it still fails then try and create a simple test case that recreates the problem and then we will need to try and reproduce the problem.
@gloomyandy Okay, I will wait for the release then. Thank you
@Alva It is available now:
- daemon(2).g
- mini(1).gcode
Hello , i have updated the machine to 3.6.0.beta2 and tried a simple logic as seen in the mini-1.gcode which is attached. while it starts the print i manually set the flag to enable the daemon.g and the daemon.g is also attached. And the same error occurred again.Do you think there is something wrong with the way that i understood the second motion system? or am i doing something wrong? weird that my logic worked in 3.5. fw version.
Please let me know. Thank you.
@Alva Looks like there was a mistake in the 3.6.0.beta2 release and David updated the new one today. I will try out that one.
@Alva here are a couple of clarifications:
- When you select a tool (which becomes the current tool for the current motion system), the axes that X and Y are mapped to for that tool become owned by the current motion system.
- It's fine to drive the two motion systems from different GCode streams.
@Alva I just noticed this in your mini(1).gcode file:
G4 P0 S0.5
You should use either P or S in G4, not both. Similarly in daemon.g. However, this doesn't explain the error.
@Alva my best guess is that the move G1 X0 Y0 U0 in mini(1).gcode hasn't completed when daemon.g starts commanding U axis motion. This shouldn't be possible, because if U hasn't finished moving then U should still be owned by MS0, so the attempt to move it in daemon.g should fail with the "axis already owned by another MS" message. I'll check the M400 code.
@dc42 I have edited the code and logic a bit. Found different cases:
; File Name: /sys/daemon.g if(!exists(global.daemonStop)) global daemonStop = false ; Set to 1 to stop the daemon.g, it can be use to upload a new daemon.g file while( global.daemonStop == false ) if(state.status== "processing") G91 M596 P1 G1 U5 F300 M596 G4 P0 M99; Exit
This happened when i activated the daemon before the move to X0 Y0. But if i activate the daemon after that then it works perfectly. Cannot relate whats going on.set global.daemonStop = true ; stopped the daemon M118 S{"starting to move"} G90 G1 X0 Y0 M400 S1 G91 set global.daemonStop = false ; activated the daemon which only use U axis G1 X100 Y100 F200 M400 S1 G90 M118 S{"move done"} M99
@Alva Looks like it is a timing problem or something.
@Alva thanks, I will try to replicate it.
@dc42 Thank you
@Alva I have reproduced this and I am looking into it.
@Alva I created and I am testing a fix.
@Alva please try the new Duet 3 Mini firmware binary at
@dc42 It seems to be working. I have tried all the above conditions and works as intended. Can i expect the same fix for Duet3 6HC board as well, as i observed the same behavior in it as well. Thank you
@Alva I have just put a 6HC build at the same location.
@dc42 Thank you , I will check it out
@Alva please can you confirm if you have tested this.