for the life of me, I cannot understand what is going on here.
After having a look at the thread I posted, I got my printer homing perfectly every single time. I was so happy. here is my homey.g file:
; homey.g
; called to home the Y axis
M913 Y70 ; drop motor current to 70%
G4 P100 ; wait 100ms
M915 Y S-3 R0 F0 ; set Y sensitivity, do nothing when stall, unfiltered
G4 P100 ; wait 100ms
M400 ; wait for current moves to finish
G91 ; set relative movements
G1 H2 Z5 F1200 ; lift Z
; tune drivers ; relative positioning
G1 H2 Y0.4 F3000 ; power up motors to ensure they are not stalled
G4 P100 ; wait 100ms
M400 ; wait for current moves to finish
; home Y
G1 H1 Y5 F1200 ; move slowly away
G1 H1 Y-300 F6000 ; move to Y axis endstop and stop there (first pass) ; eren 3600
G1 Y5 F1200 ; go back a few mm
G1 H1 Y-10 F6000 ; move to Y axis endstop once more (second pass) ; eren 3000
G1 Y10 F1200 ; go back a few mm
M400 ; wait for current moves to finish
M913 Y100 ; restore motor current to 100%
G4 P100 ; wait 100ms
G1 H2 Z-5 F1200 ; reset Z
G90 ; reset absolute movements
Now, I came yesterday from my winter break. Today I wanted to try a new method of steps calibration I though out. I moved the printer over the bench so I can have better access to it (the calibration involves having a pen attached to the extruder, a piece of paper and so on).
I start up the printer and I home it. The Y homing starts failing miserably again in the same fashion it did before.
I cannot understand how come it worked perfectly before, I change absolutely nothing at all and starts failing again. It did work perfectly. Nice homing, nice prints, reliable... and all of the sudden it stopped working again.
Any insights?