Here goes...
The bearings in the carriage are brass and graphite.
Honestly, holding a finger to the carriage while doing an air print, I could feel no more vibrations than on my Ulitmaker clone Creatbot.
I'm probably going to keep this as a test bed and start another one with atleast a 400 x 300 build area. This one could do 280 x 280 but I never intended to complete it.
LMAO at Phaedrux !!!
I know that non rotating rods would be proper, but connected this way should keep the motors in sync and square.
It is dead silent compared to the over the top crappy drivers in my Creatbot.
The design is not wasting space. There was no previous assumption of how much it would have.
I don't know, I have not noted any vibrations or binding, so, the couplers seem to be centered.
If I put the motors on the outside, the frame would swing wildly about, it would be hello to fashion an enclosure for ABS printing and the output shafts would not be where they need to be.