Firmware wishlist and priorities for Duet WiFi and Duet Ethernet
Consider: Use Stallguard to perform bed levelling/compensation. GCode that sets lower current, slower moves, low Stallguard Threshold (SGT) and uses this to find the bed with the hotend by treating stall notification as trigger. Once complete, returns to normal current/speed/accel settings. Complications that may arise and require a lot of custom tuning per individual printer are outlined very well in section 4.1 of the datasheet:
Perhaps flag that allows SGT triggers for each driver to be displayed as they are triggered to assist in tuning the individual printer's motors?Sadly not possible. StallGuard only updates the stall status every full step, so the resolution would be too low. Also StallGuard doesn't work at low speed because the motor back EMF is too low.
What might be possible is to use StallGuard and reduced motor current to eliminate the homing switches on a Delta printer. The homing positions do not need to be accurate if auto calibration is run after homing.
My vote~;
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Thanks for all your votes. I am currently working on #1, and when that is complete I will total the votes up.
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What happens with ideas that made it to the list but got no votes?
will they stay for a next round of voting?
What happens with ideas that made it to the list but got no votes?
will they stay for a next round of voting?
Probably, and if not then you can suggest them again.
Is there current support for bed probing more than once ? ( i dont think there is?)
Probing the same point lets say 5 times then taking the average of that point?
when i was using other firmware that was nice because some probes were just not that accurate. so this helped even out that problem.also just a simple Request, on a G30 command we can also have the Max and Min values?
so the code that comes back looks like this:
[c] 8:52:14 PM
M98 P0:/macros/probetesting/Probe Testing moving 100 -100 probe 0,0 25 Point.p values .gcode
Bed probe heights: -0.009 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.003 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003,
mean -0.005, deviation from mean 0.002[/c]Could we also have the max and min value from the mean? ( the span)
i use (=ABS) in excel to handle the + and - values.
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12, 11, 1.
With 12, if 3 Phase BLDC with 3 channel magnetic encoders could be supported generally, I'll help in any way I can, I have nema 23 servos (I think) they were donated so three thick wires from the motor and five thinner wires coming from the bottom cap looking end…I'm going to assume they are servos.
Is hdmi 1080p support difficult? I'm going to prototype a few boards in a few months.
Would it be easier to use an android computer to interface with it over wifi? Probably. I'm thinking of a small hdmi or tablet or general touch screen to make it nicer to use, always powered and connected to the internet as well (obviously).
Is it possible to have a way to retrieve files from a NAS or a macro or sub program or list of commands, stored in cache or ram to upload new files after a print without it getting interrupted? If I print a file that is set to print for 8 hours, and an hour into the print I want to upload a file, I want to be able to do it. I don't care if it does it right then or wait until the file is finished printing and then uploads it as a new command after, retrieving it from the attempted directory, as long as I can walk away or go to sleep and leave not needing to remember to do it after a print for later.
It might sound like I'm being picky at times, it is only because I believe that "Technology is truly at its best when it becomes invisible." Take a good router, if it's good, most people forget they have a router at all. I want that for my printer, I want it to be that tool for me when I need it.
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Fixing IDEX with R2 and proper Z-offset?
Can you read the driver temps over SPI? If so it would be awesome if one of the PWM fan channels could be temperature controlled.
Can you read the driver temps over SPI? If so it would be awesome if one of the PWM fan channels could be temperature controlled.
Apparently not but I believe there is a temperature warning alarm and an over temperature alarm which DC has it on his todo list to look at monitoring and maybe switching a fan or (in the case of over temperature) taking some more extreme action.
You can however, do as I do and stick a thermistor on the chip (or anywhere else) with a small dab of epoxy adhesive then use one of the PWM channels to control a fan. I did a bit of a write up on my blog which you can view here if you are interested
I did that on my last control board. For now I have the control box fan connected to fan 3. My start and end scripts turn it on about 30%. It works fine. It would be nice to have them bumped up if nesessary though.
Great write up!
Controlling a cooling fan based on CPU temperature and/or driver over-temperature warnings is implemented in firmware 1.19beta2.