BLTouch working
Deckingman said "I currently use DC42s excellent probe" what is this probe? I am in the market for my next printer…
Deckingman said "I currently use DC42s excellent probe" what is this probe? I am in the market for my next printer…
IR probe
Excellent! Do you define the bed limits for probing anywhere? Does this all currently look on track?
; *** BLTouch and Compensation
M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 H3 F200 T5000 ; BLTouch Z probe, used for homing Z axis, dive height 3mm, probe speed 200mm/min, travel speed 5000mm/min
G31 P1 X-25.0 Y58.0 Z-1.0 ; Set the Z-probe position and thresholdBed.g:
G28 ;home all
G91 ;relative mode
G1 Z4 F200 ;move Z up 4mm for clearence
G90 ;absolute mode
M98 Pdeployprobe.g ;call macro
G29 S2 ;clear bed compensation
G29 ;run auto bed mesh level
M98 Pretractprobe.g ;call macro
G1 X10 Y10 F5000The Z-1.0 in the G31 command is wrong because the trigger height will be positive. You need to define the probing grid somewhere using M557. You don't need the G29 S2 before the G29.
So I have wired everything loaded all my macros, re-pinned a z-stepper (grr) and now everything is nice and smooth. I am now stuck on how to calibrate the BLTouch on the Duet? I have done it in marlin before but wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction when doing it with the Duet?
I got my BLTouch installed and working on my CoreXY printer. I can home Z with it with no problems. I am now trying to get the rest of the configuration files setup for it.
I am running on a Duet 0.8.5 with 1.16 Firmware. My BLTouch (when looking from the front of the printer) is to the right and back of the nozzle (X50 Y37).
In config.g, I have
[c]M558 P4 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 ; Switch for Z probe.
; Move 5mm between probes.
; Probe speed 100mm/min.
; Travel speed 500mm/min.G31 X50 Y36 Z2.35 P5 ; Set the probe height and threshold (put your own values here)
[/c]From what I was reading for the G31 command, when I home Z and it triggers, it should set the Z position to 2.35. This is the distance I measured the nozzle is from the bed after homing the Z axis. But after homing, Z is at zero. So I'm not understanding something here.
For the axis minimums (this command is before the M558 and G31 commands), I have…
[c]M208 X-8 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minimum (adjust to make X=0 and Y=0 the edges of the bed)[/c]Another question I have is with the G30 probing and the XY locations. If I use G30 with X150 Y100 in the bed.g file, where is the nozzle position suppose to end up? Would the nozzle be at 150,100 or would the offsets in the G31 be applied and the nozzle would actually be at 100, 64?
according to the bltouch people, to work with 3.3v logic electronics you only need a 240ohm resistor in line with the 2-wire endstop. that could be where your not getting a response.
I am feeling a little slow here, but is this in series with one of the wires, or bridging the IN and GND wires at the PROBE connector on a DuetWifi?
I finally got the +5VDC, COM, and H3 connections correct, and the probe deploying/retracting, but am not getting any input from the probe, and am really starting to doubt my wiring of the sensor portion.
Currently I have a 240 Ohm resistor across the two wires, crimped into Dupont pins with the wires from the hall sensor output, but it shows up as 0 on the Z-Probe on the web control screen when tested with the auto-test macro that was posted in this thread, nor if pressed directly. If it is unplugged, I see a value of 1000 on the Z-probe, and the field is shaded red.
according to the bltouch people, to work with 3.3v logic electronics you only need a 240ohm resistor in line with the 2-wire endstop. that could be where your not getting a response.
I am feeling a little slow here, but is this in series with one of the wires, or bridging the IN and GND wires at the PROBE connector on a DuetWifi?
Spot on, you need to bridge the In and GND on the Z probe pins with the resistor.
according to the bltouch people, to work with 3.3v logic electronics you only need a 240ohm resistor in line with the 2-wire endstop. that could be where your not getting a response.
I am feeling a little slow here, but is this in series with one of the wires, or bridging the IN and GND wires at the PROBE connector on a DuetWifi?
I finally got the +5VDC, COM, and H3 connections correct, and the probe deploying/retracting, but am not getting any input from the probe, and am really starting to doubt my wiring of the sensor portion.
Currently I have a 240 Ohm resistor across the two wires, crimped into Dupont pins with the wires from the hall sensor output, but it shows up as 0 on the Z-Probe on the web control screen when tested with the auto-test macro that was posted in this thread, nor if pressed directly. If it is unplugged, I see a value of 1000 on the Z-probe, and the field is shaded red.
ok, due to the refresh rate of the website, it doesnt always capture the tiny pulse of the pin being triggered. that doesnt mean that the trigger isnt happening. If you put the bltouch(genuine, clones unknown) in an error state(blinking), an M119 should show the endstop triggered. Once you verify that use:
M280 P3 S10 I1 ```and manually trigger the pin over and over until you see it display in the web control. It wont display all the time but it will occasionally. It may not show a trigger(color change) on the web control, but you may get a value change on the signal value displayed. you need to put your tigger value below that number(or just use 25)
Thank you for the confirmation on the wiring of the 240 Ohm resistor, and the instructions for testing it prior to trying to use it in automatic tests.
I finally figured out that I had the probe wires reversed on the PROBE header, and once that was corrected was able to get it working.I'm not sure that I have everything working as it is best possible to do, but it has probed a grid on the bed, using G29, and can view the heightmap.csv file, but not the graph of it (loading screen, for >10 minutes in Chrome).
edit: I eventually found that FireFox would load the graphic, no idea why Chrome won't on my machine. It also showed that my mechanical level was off again.
Good evening. I am very new to 3D printing and even newer to the Duet WIFI. I have the BLTouch connected and deploying and retracting. My problem is that I don't fully understand where and what to put into the System Directory XXX.g files and Macro files. Could someone please break this down barney style for me? Thanks in advance.
Good evening. I am very new to 3D printing and even newer to the Duet WIFI. I have the BLTouch connected and deploying and retracting. My problem is that I don't fully understand where and what to put into the System Directory XXX.g files and Macro files. Could someone please break this down barney style for me? Thanks in advance.
You should put all config and home files in the system editor tab. Macros such as mesh level or anything that you might want to call during or before a print that are not going to be called in the config can go in the macro part. Any print files can be placed in the gcode files tab.
I have an issue with the mesh level code.
I have defined the BLTouch position: G31 X-25 Y58 Z0.73 P1
I have defined my mesh size: M557 X15:300 Y15:160 S30My issue is I am not sure just what I am defining in the M557 command is it the probe position/head position? It works but I am curious as I want to cover as much bed as possible and am currently a little conservative with the positions. I also assume the firmware accounts for the probe offset when creating/using the height map?
@Etznab, for where the files go, see
@Sylo_Symatic, the coordinates you put in M557 are the points you want to probe, so they are probe position not head position. The firmware will subtract the probe offset from them when positioning the head, and will leave out any points that would place the head outside the limits set by M208.
Hi Everyone,
I've been attempting to get my bltouch working on my duet wifi for a couple days now. I've gotten to the point where if I deploy the pin and manually push it up I can see in the web interface that its being triggered. I usually see something like 68 or 180 and the colour of the field is red. This will happen maybe once or twice every 30 or so times I push the pin.
My issue is that it doesn't trigger when running auto calibration, the head just crashes into the bed every time. I'm new to reprapfirmware, coming from marlin, so I'm not sure if there is some configuration that I might be missing. I've tried following this thread as best as I can but nothing seems to be solving this issue.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Sounds like you have the same problem I did. Make sure your config-override.g file doesn't have G31 .. P500 … It should have P25 or lower. I use P1. P500 will crash it into the bed and behave as you describe. If you don't have a config-override.g file make sure your config file has the G31 P1 (or P25).
What is happening is the pulse from the BLTouch isn't being seen most of the time because of P500
Thanks for the response!
This is something I actually looked into. Originally I didn't have a config-override.g file so I used M500 to create it and noticed that there were some extra G31 commands in there so I commented them out and copied the G31 line in my config.g file into the config-override.g. Unfortunately this didn't solve my problem.
I'll double check this though when I get home from work.
Not sure which endstop you connected to , Try G31 T1 or G31 T3 at the console and see what it spits out. Should have P25 or P1 (whichever you used). T1 would be the normal z-probe and T3 should be the E1 endstop I believe. Might be off the that one. In any event this will help you verify your settings are making it end to end. If you still seeing P500 then issue G31 T1 (or T3) P25 and then do M500.
Also make sure you are loading the config.override in the config.g toward the very bottom of the file.
M501 ; Load saved values
So it turns out what I thought was the first probe of the bed was actually just the head positioning itself to begin the auto leveling process. I had my height set a little too high and that was causing the crash. I fixed that issue and its working!
Thanks again (In)Sanity. I was at least able to confirm a couple things were set up correctly with your help. I was able to focus on other things because of it to solve the issue.
Can someone please clarify the pin out below?duet wifi bl touch
BLTouch endstop leads are paralleled with a 240ohm resistor as documented by Antclabs to make it safe for 3.3v logic and connected to E0 endstop header
E0 end stop header? which pins? 3.3 v and (bltouch Orange?)
E0 end stop (groud to E0 ground black, white to E0 Stop?)
so close yet so confused lol -
I suggest you use the GND and IN pins on the Z probe connector, not the E0 endstop.
Thank you very much! Been scratching my head on this so long, i starting getting things mixed up. It took me forever to figure out I was looking at a different model board. the difference between the duet and duet wifi pin out was killing me LOL For those that follow, BL Touch pins 1=brown to Duetwifi expansion pin 2, Pin 2= red +5 v to Duetwifi expansion pin 1, Pin 3 Orange control to expansion pin 8 AKA Heater 3, pin 4 = Black to ground z probe 5=white to Z Probe IN. and don't forget the 240 ohm resistor between the z probe min and ground.