Board Fan Causing Print Problems
Hello All,
My delta began life as an "AnyCubic Kossel Linear Plus" printer, kit. It arrived fully disassembled in a big cardboard and styrofoam segregated box and bags of parts. It was a fun build. But assembled, I could not cause it to work, no matter how much I fiddled around with it. A few weeks later the controller board caught fire. The vendor I bought the kit from had disasspeared (an Amazon vendor), and factory was a 'no reply'. I tracked down and found DC42's fabulous DUET3D controller. From that time, I have now replaced every part aside from the stepper motors and 2020 profiles. Everything has been replaced. And now it works, with a bit of advice from the fine folks here on the DUET forums.
My first major problem with my DUET configuration was hot-end temperature problems. That problem was eventually diagnosed as loose heater wire in the connector. Fixed!
The second major problem was mishaped printed parts, I finally diagnosed that as the fan I mounted on DUET controller enclosure was blowing a draft airstream directly on to the print bed!! Hah hah. And don't open the door next to the printer if its windy and cold outside either.
Discovering the proper bed and print temperatures for your selected filament is also very usefull!
So, I'm finally actually printing parts that appear as they are supposed be!
ps, sadly, my beloved lady and wife of 40 years passed away last Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 3:17am of CoVid, while I was adminstering hospice care morphine dose to help her pass peacefully. Be careful, and treat kindly, hug & kiss your loved ones, you never know when they'll be taken. -
@3mm I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your high and low points both with us.
@3mm, so sad to hear of your loss. I'm glad you were able to spend some of her last hours with her. Stay safe.
@3mm Always remember the good times. Thanks for sharing.
@3mm sorry for your loss.
we're here to support you as a community for more than just 3d printing. -
Thank you, friends, for your kindness.