Duex5 Testers
Yes add me to the list
Add me too !
I'd love to help. Please add me.
Please add me to the list (hopefully having being overseas doesn't mean I miss out)
Yes please a pre production duex5 board will be great.Thank you for this offer
Paul -
Count me in
Count me in, I would love to help
I'd be interested, especially if it's possible to use the extra heater channels for 12 volt rgb led control. I see no reason why not other than the firmware shutting down the channels due to bogus thermistor readings.
The DueX5 design has 5 additional PWM outputs for fans and LEDs. This is the untried part of the design, so there is a possibility that it won't work properly - which I guess is why Tony didn't mention it in the first post.
If there any any left i also would be interested.
I have another use case that might work well here.
One of the FRC teams I mentor for asked me to put together a parts list for a larger 3d printer. Something in the range of 400x200mm. Debating on a larger CoreXY or i3 style…
The relevant portion of this is the bed heaters. I am looking at a split bed in a side by side configuration covered in a single PEI sheet. This should allow for a dual zone heated bed. To do this a thermistor would be installed in each side and each bed would be driven separately. This is where the extra heater or PWM channels would be perfect. I understand that the 2nd bed heater would need to have it's own temperature set and that would require a little training.
Then again, this should be possible with a standard DuetWifi using the 2nd hot end heater output, driving a SSR or external mosfet setup.
Please add me to the list as well - thanks.
yes please i got a lot of extra time on my hands just gone part time at work -
Please add me to the list as well.
Thank you.
Add me to the list please. what is the time frame on shipping assuming initial testing goes well?
We will be emailing all those who have expressed interest in the next couple of days (before the end of Tuesday 18 Oct) to let you know the cost and planned delivery schedule. Also you will need to confirm your details so we can raise PayPal invoices.
For those who have expressed interest through the forum only, I will use your forum email address so please check this one if it's not your primary address.
I'll take one if you have any spare. I will use it to test out IDEX on my surrender build.
I will buy one.
Sign me up.
Should i have heard anything yet ?