Unipolar/bipolar steppers.
Hello thanks for fast responce. Sorry let me be more specific . I have two 6 wire 1.6amp unipolar motors (17HS4401) i was unable to find the voltage ratings. And four 4 wires 2.5amp bipolar motors (42BYGHW811B). My question is , can i use all of these 6 motors (2 of the unipolar in paralel for Z axis) on one board? OR am i screwed? Because i cant imagine trying to return something to China. Thank you very much and have a nice day.
Forgot to add that the 42BYGHW811B bipolar motor has a rate volatage of 3.1volts.
Yes you should be able to use all of those motors.
Well i finally got to trying out the unipolar motors. I cant seem to make them work. Do i have to change something in the software side of things to make it work? So far the steppers just shake in one place.
Thank you for help -
Well i finally got to trying out the unipolar motors. I cant seem to make them work. Do i have to change something in the software side of things to make it work? So far the steppers just shake in one place.
Thank you for helpThat usually means the phases are not connected in the correct pairs. How have you connected them to the Duet?
Well i did it the same way as with the other bipolar steppers. But whatever combination i use doesnt seem to work.
And they worked fine. But the unipolar doesnt strangely. I have no experience with unipolars, i bought it by mistake but cant return it.
Well i did it the same way as with the other bipolar steppers. But whatever combination i use doesn't seem to work.
You haven't answered the question in a way that gives me enough information to make a suggestions. What I need is:
1. A link to the motor datasheet;
2. A photo of how you have connected them, or at least a description of the order in which you have connected the wires to the Duet's connector (assuming that the wires come straight from the motor, not from a connector on the motor).
1.This is the link to the motors datasheet : https://www.ebay.com/itm/wantai-1pc-Nema17-Stepper-Motor-70OZ-IN-2-5A-42BYGHW811B-Dual-shaft-worldwide-/2220670546252.I dont know how to add a photo but i did the wiring the same way as here: http://reprap.org/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Duet_0.8.5_Duex4_wiring_0.2.svg/640px-Duet_0.8.5_Duex4_wiring_0.2.svg.png
Motor just shakes in place but doesnt move.
The eBay link you gave is to a bipolar stepper motor, but you said that the problem you are having is with a unipolar motor.
Yeah i was mistaken. I did think it was unipolar, does that make it unusable?
Bipolar stepper motors are the correct sort to use. Suggestions:
- Check that you have the wires in the correct order, i.e. black and green at one end of the connector, and red and blue at the other end;
- Check that the crimp connections on the connectors are good, using a multimeter if you have one;
- If the above checks pass, try a different motor output in case you have a blown driver.