Pause/Stop AND Resume
Its hard not to conclude that David's points cover a large number of potential use cases where it would not be practical:
-ABS prints
-Machines where homing with a print on the bed is difficult, most/all can do it in x and Y but potentially only deltas can do it for Z also, and even then most use a probe which needs to contact the bed to fine tune z, which could be obstructed.
-Having the head move to the edge of the bed and extrude 20mm, then retract and resume isn't that much trouble compared to scrapping the print and beginning again.I suspect that a UPS might be a much more reliable solution but for a large printer, running a long print it might only solve it sometimes.
On the other hand, tracking print state goes a long way towards supporting my request for better/expanded M581 support. Specifically, by having a location where last (or current) print step (head position, temperatures, file position, ?) is stored as the print or macro is processed, the system can know that it has just restarted from an interrupt event. Then the user could configure or the system could offer re-start steps (with the optional assumption that the hardware has not moved since the interrupt event) - e.g. heat up, home safely, extrude 10mm, wipe, resume from last position. Don't mind if there is a requirement to maintain 5V power to hold this, especially given the finite limit and speed of SD card writes.
The point about M581 here is that the recovery steps could be 'restore state and pause' - which likely still gets the burning hotend off the printbed faster than me running to the printer and twisting the lead screws by hand. Even more options if the stored information knows which endstop was triggered.
I think I will go and change my cartesian printer 'home Z' code to use Y max instead of Y min now. -
Maybe a solitary 18650 cell configured as a backup power source would be enough to move the z axis down a few mm on power loss and maintain the duet's power/ram? I imagine a fully charged cell would have enough capacity to move a motor a small distance and keep the board running for quite a while. Issues there sure but imagine a truly fault tolerant setup. The duet-printsaver add on.
Tried to pause a print as suggested and it does not work. 5v does keep the Duet powered but not the display properly (7"), but the heater goes into fault and print ends. I guess I should have tried it before needing it. 14+ hours of printing….............down the drain
highly recommend a battery backup that does power filtering as well tripplite or apc IMHO do this best at power filtering
So two issues:
If you are using a 7 inch PanelDue you need to supply enough 5V run that (650mA just for the screen so at least 800mA in total).
The heater protection will kick in when it notices that the heater temperature is falling, but the firmware is trying to keep it at temperature. You can reset the temp fault using
then return the heater to the correct temperature, prime, wipe, home etc, then resume.
This definitely requires testing before trying on a live print, I am sorry you lost 14h of printing! When I get a chance i will try it on on a printer here that I can add an external 5V supply to.
So I need to supply 5V to the panel and the Duet independently? I had a 1.8A wall wart plugged into the Duet and the Panel was flickering. Should it run from a single USB connection? The print went to 100% as soon as the main power was removed.
No one supply is enough however it does need sufficient current, maybe the wall wart lies?
If you can check for voltage drop when just the external 5V is connected with or without the Panel that may show if that's drawing more current than the wallwart can supply
Never did from day one. The 5v power supply I use is rated for 1.8A and will charge my LG V20 in less than 45 minutes from dead.
I have found recently though some chargers will only provide full current when they receive data from the device they are connected to, i.e. they aren't dumb power supplies. I have a Yotaphone 2, which will only draw 900mAh from a generic charger but can go to 2000 mAh from its supplied charger (which fails if you connect it with a cable where the two data lines are not connected or if the cable is too long).
@t3p3tony ,It would seem then if one just pauses and uses an external heater control you could simply shut the heater pod controls down for nozzle and bed and than resume later on. That way no dependency upon control board for bed and nozzle. Many already do something similar for the bed when using ssr’s and mains heaters. Other than needing to have a placement for a couple of paid controllers somewhere on the machine it eases the process and you can simply turn the heater back on, wait until temp desired achieved and hit resume. This is a nice feature and being able to pause and have the print head move to the side at a designated x/y/z would also allow for unique prints where you may want to embed an item or structural brace of another material like metal for customized applications. Just don’t knock the print out of place while adding foreign material.
@toysrfun said in Pause/Stop AND Resume:
@t3p3tony ,It would seem then if one just pauses and uses an external heater control you could simply shut the heater pod controls down for nozzle and bed and than resume later on. That way no dependency upon control board for bed and nozzle. Many already do something similar for the bed when using ssr’s and mains heaters. Other than needing to have a placement for a couple of paid controllers somewhere on the machine it eases the process and you can simply turn the heater back on, wait until temp desired achieved and hit resume. This is a nice feature and being able to pause and have the print head move to the side at a designated x/y/z would also allow for unique prints where you may want to embed an item or structural brace of another material like metal for customized applications. Just don’t knock the print out of place while adding foreign material.
Not sure that I understand this. You can already use pause and resume to do all of what you suggest. Look up M25 , M24 and M226. However, this thread is all about what happens in the event of a power failure. In that case you lose power to the Duet and so it loses all the positional information so you need a mechanism to keep sufficient power to be able write the positional information to a file for later retrieval.
Or have I misunderstood what you are trying to say?
This is an old thread that has been resurrected after more than a year. In the meantime, resume-after-power-fail and resume-after-planned-power-down have been implemented. See
@dc42 Ahh - didn't spot that this was a resurrected old thread. No wonder I was confused.
@deckingman I believe the kids these days call it Necroposting. Threads from beyond the grave!
File this one under learn something new every day.
Thanks - made me smile.