Exposure control is notoriously hit-and-miss. I changed the handling of exposure control to log the values at startup so that the user has a known point from which to research.
Essentially there are two options (used together). The first switches the camera to manual control and the second sets the exposure. All this, provided the camera supports exposure control. Just what the required values are is undefined.
Some cameras switch to manual when sent the value 0.25. Some require the value 1 to be sent, others ??
Exposure values are sometimes required to be between 0.0 and 1.0, sometimes negative numbers, sometime some other value (ms equivalent ?). It mainly depends on how the manufacturer set up the camera, the drivers used and even the OS.
In any case - if you need to adjust the exposure, there is going to be some trial and error.
For example, on one of my cameras, manual mode is set with 1 and usable exposure ranges are roughly in the range 75 to 200.
Good luck 🙄 The internet if full of opinions ...