Well that was quick. I found if I right click there is a reload menu which caused it to come alive. All works great now! Hope this helps someone else.

Best posts made by jltx
RE: Connecting Orca slicer to DWC 3.5.4
RE: Switch back to headless with 3.5.4
Ok, it was as simple as using raspi-config to boot to terminal (CLI) instead of desktop (GUI). I'm new to RPi so this was probably obvious to all.
BTW, fun fact, the desktop uses about 600 KB RAM at 1280x900. That leaves me with about 960 KB free which I hope is sufficient.
Bonus side effect was switching to CLI and back seems to have resolved my system instability. So I am happy.
RE: no external plugins work in 3.5.4
OK, I may have inadvertently resolved it.
I found how to remove the desktop and boot to terminal using raspi-config. I wanted to understand the RAM cost. I have an RPi4b with 2GB RAM.
in terminal mode after boot I have 1.5 GB free.
In desktop gui with DWC running at 1280x900 I have 960 KB free.Anyway, after switching back to GUI mode everything boots as expected and DWC starts. So I suspect my config was whacked somehow (I touched nothing!) and running the rasp-config corrected the situation.
Sorry for all the bother.
RE: input shaping and can bus tool board
@sebkritikel Awesome news! Thank you.
RE: mini5+ not connecting to macOS
third try was the charm. working now. sorry for the noise
RE: Mini 5+ WiFi with SBC
@jay_s_uk Thanks for clearing that up. Too bad because the Pi antenna is poop. But at least I can simplify things.
Latest posts made by jltx
RE: SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1
I did this repeatability test after running a M558.1:
G1 Z5 F3000
G30 K1 P0 Z-9999
G30 K1 P1 Z-9999
G30 K1 P2 Z-9999
G30 K1 P3 Z-9999
G30 K1 P4 Z-9999
G30 K1 P5 Z-9999
G30 K1 P6 Z-9999
G30 K1 P7 Z-9999
G30 K1 P8 Z-9999
G30 K1 P9 Z-9999 S-1
G1 Z5and it works! The RMS error seems largish but it works.
So G30 works but M558 does not. Am I just missing a parameter?
M558 K1 H15:5 F1000 T15000 -
RE: SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1
so I played around with the drive current more. I cannot find a setting that works all the way from the bed to infinity. The best I can do, using 16, is get a non-99999 value from about 2mm over the bed to infinity. If I drop Z lower it jumps to 9999, but I can boost the current and get a good reading but then it instead jumps to 99999 at higher Z. It seems very finicky. This is all with a cold bed for now. I haven't tried heated.
RE: SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1
@Phaedrux said in SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1:
I know how to do that when the firmware is via a depot but this is from a dropbox so I assume there is a manual procedure. Do I need to sftp them over?
RE: SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1
I missed the note that said 15 is typical current. My M558.2 came up with 22. So I lowered it to 15 and I see some more normal behavior (I think). Is 99999 mean it has triggered or overflowed? The values rise as I get closer to the bed and then suddenly jump to 99999. The DWC status shows normal, yellow, then red during the probe dive. But it doesn't stop at red, it keeps going. The first probe point finally stops right before impacting the bed but had already jumped to 99999. The second probe point does similar but impacts the bed and I have to reset machine.
RE: SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1
@droftarts I can't get that firmware to load with my SBC. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I don't see any sbc file. I may have to wait for official release to try.
RE: SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1
@droftarts Yes, this same code (except the M558.1) was used when I had a P8 probe and it worked fine. When I switched to P11 is when it changed behavior.
I don't think the dive height is the main problem though because the probe starts well above the trigger point. It just doesn't see it when lowering on the second probe point. Is there a way I can monitor the values live?
I will try the firmware above if I can figure out how to install on my SBC+Mini5+RR. I also need to figure out why my DWC did not update with the rest of the firmware when I did M997 S2.
SZP for bed level in 3.6-RC1
I just rebuilt my printer with CAN using Roto Toolboard with SZP. Everything appears to be working correctly again, except for the bed level.
this is a Voron trident with the microswitch bed probe for Z home and offset. What I changed in bed.g is right after the Z home, I move the coil just over the bed near the microswitch since I know approximately where that portion of the bed is located in height so known to be safe. I do a M558.1 calibration for the SZP probe.
Then I go to probe the three bed points for leveling using the normal M558 commands using the SZP probe: M558 K1 H15:5 F1000 T15000
The first point seems to probe ok but I think I'm just getting lucky that the bed is an equal height there. At the second probe point the bed is a little higher and the nozzle runs into the bed during the probe dive so I abort. I also notice that neither probe point seems to be honoring the H parameter because it looks like it's starting ~5mm high.What are good steps to debug. The M558.2 and M558.1 by themselves seem to do the right thing. Do I need more parameters for the M558 probe command?
CAN xt30 to mini5+ problem
I cannot get the crimped pins that came with the XT30 umbilical to insert into the housing for the 2 pin connector for the mini5+. I have tried many ways, even depressing the lock tab some, but no luck so far. These crimps look different than the ones that came with the board. Is there a different housing I am supposed to be using?
RE: scanning z probe mounting trouble
will look into that. The M3 button is about 1.8 mm. The M3 flat doesn't recess so it about 1.5 mm above. So these can work but leave very little room for error.
scanning z probe mounting trouble
I am switching over to the roto CAN toolboard with scanning z probe. I downloaded the SZP step file and it has the PCB at 3 mm thick which does not match what I have in hand which is ~1.22 mm. I assume this is a mistake, however...
reading the documentation it says to mount the coil 1-2 mm above the nozzle. I cannot find any fasteners that are thinner than 2mm head such that they would scrape along the bed and prevent the nozzle working. Is the thicker pub representation attempting to hide the fastener head? I can find no pictures of actual mounts.