Done! Found it under the printer configuration. I've only been 3D printing for a couple months now, and still learning new things every day. I had no idea there was this start and end gcode configurator in Cura until I went looking for it after your previous post.
I have one more issue that I know of now, which is that my paneldue 7" lcd isn't working right, but I'll post that in a separate thread.
I appreciate the help. This upgrade to the DuetWifi from the Melzi board wasn't for the faint of heart, but it was totally doable, and I'm just about there, and blown away by how eery it is not to hear my printer other than the fans. I was just lying on the couch and had to peek my head around the corner just to make sure my print was still going, because I'm used to hearing it loudly, and now I just don't.