Mac with S3D… put this in your Scripts/Additional terminal commands for post processing section.
You will need to update the IP address to your Duet. When you save the gcode (it doesnt matter where), it will at the same time upload to the duet and start printing right away. Be sure you check your printer before printing, Its easy to forget a print or maybe even just a skirt is still there. You can turn off your computer after it finishes uploading. The gcode is completely on the Duet. You will not be able to control the printer from S3D at this point, you will need to use the web interface.
curl --data-binary "@[output_filepath]" -X POST []([output_filename].gcode
curl -G –data-urlencode "gcode=M32 [output_filename].gcode"
EDIT: This might have problems with certain characters in the filenames. I had a failed upload with a space in the filename. I havent had time to play with that yet.