1, point taken and thank you for the heads up.
2, yes this is by design
3, I presumed as much, thanks for confirming as I was having trouble following the revs to understand the relationship
I finally got a blank chip flashed and running w the bootloader and able to tie into the Duet CAN system. The issue was improper fuse setting. To fix I simply set the USER_WORD_x fuses as I read from the OE 1HCL chip;
USER_WORD_0 = 0xFE9AE239 (valid)
USER_WORD_1 = 0xAEECFFB1 (valid)
USER_WORD_2 = 0xFFFFFFFF (valid)
This is good because I can now debug on the bread board which I can't do in circuit. I proceeded to order my untested circuit because I couldn't get the bootloader to work on the breadboard. I thought this was because the chip carriers got don't have a provision for the bottom solder pad. I assumed that pad was an essential ground that when missing was causing all of my problems. Fortunately not the case.
Thanks for the help David! 🙂