@tylersuard said in Web UI not accessible if I leave printer on Pause for too long:
ave you seen this happen to other boards?
I've seen the firmware crash, but not seen the terminal responses you were getting. 3.4.1 is a bit old. There may have been bugs that were fixed since. If you do reset the board, send M122 as soon as you are reconnected and copy and paste it here.
@tylersuard said in Web UI not accessible if I leave printer on Pause for too long:
what do you mean by manually setting the Z position?
I mean that since you will have a print on the bed you won't be able to home Z unless you have a zmax endstop. So you would need to manually set the Z position. You can do this once you have determined the exact layer height you were at by moving the nozzle down carefully to just touch the print and then using G92 Znnn to set the height where nnn is the Z height of the last finished layer.
then if you edit the gcode file to remove all the previously printed layers and start gcode you can start the print and it should resume printing over the last layer.