@fcwilt said in And here we go again G29 Bed Mesh leveling going bonkers:
So Z2 is at X-60.5 and Z4 is at X360.5?
I had a friend who was having a similar problem and it turned out that he had the Z motors wired the opposite of what he thought and thus each leveling pass made it worse.
It wouldn't hurt to double check your printer.
In your M92 command you have Z1600.00:1600. While I doubt this is a problem the correct syntax would just be Z1600 or Z1600.00 if you prefer the trailing zeros.
And just to make sure, Z1600 would be correct for 2mm (lead and pitch) lead screws - is that what you are using?
Yes all of it is correct an i corrected the M92.
Motors are correcly connected and i tried to plug them the other way around, that made things way worse as you and @Nurgelrot described.
But these things did sadly not help.
What did the trick was to reduce the Probingspeeds to this:
M558 P1 R0.5 C"zprobe.in" H5 F600 T50000 ; set Z probe type to effector and the dive height + speeds
and to give the steppers a little bit more juice upped the game hier from 1400 to 1600 and upped the drivespeed of the steppers to a max rate of 1600.
Now i finaly have a Mesh Level wich i can trust:
Thanks for all your thougts an the help.
Will mark this thread as solved.