Right, probably was included in the available libraries because time ago i was sperimenting with a teensy controller.
The encoder library is from here: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Encoder
@morgoth90 I've used CamBam in the past, as I have a licence for it through my membership to the local hackerspace. Though now I use Fusion 360, when I eventually get my CNC back up and running, I'll probably use that with a post processor.
My plan is to have a generic connector to control varius tools with both 0-10v and pwm.
Is the out9 connector still outputting the pwm signal if the LASER/VFD connector is wired to a 0-10V module?
You'll have to use a shared ground for the SPI signaling so faulty wiring could result in current flowing through the ribbon cable.
dc42 posted something about potential (theoretical?) damage to the Pi if the Pi is connected to a unpowered Duet, as such the reccomendation is to always power both from the same 5v supply through the ribbon cable, be it internal or external to the Duet (and set jumpers accordingly)
ok, so in my case is safer if the sbc provide the 5v to the duet.
Thank for the ideas.
I will connect an arduino as led indicators and buttons controller to the raspberry's spi bus, that arduino probably will also trigger the shutdown event on the pi and wait for a signal (on a gpio pin?) to confirm the 5v cut.
While having dedicated firmware to be more CNC orientated will be great, I get by with it just fine. Obviously I don't use the Extrude section, and a few other 3D printing featres, but I use a few Macros to get my custom features (turning spindle on/off, turning shopvac on/off, defining current XY position as origin in Work Coordinate System etc).