I think the fundamental problem is there is no drive current for the SZP that covers the range necessary for bed leveling. If I dial in the drive current for near the bed then it is pre-triggered at the initial dive heights necessary for a possibly tilted bed (more than a few mm). Alternatively I can find a drive current that works at a higher height but then overflows before the trigger point near the bed.
Here is the probe set up I am using to go with the bed.g posted above:
; Scanning Z probe
M558 K1 P11 C"121.i2c.ldc1612" F36000 T36000 ; configure SZP as probe 1, type 11, on CAN address 120
M308 A"SZP coil" S10 Y"thermistor" P"121.temp2" ; thermistor on SZP coil
G31 K1 Z2 Y36 ; define probe 1 offsets and trigger height
M558.2 K1 S16 R115897 ; set drive current and reading offset
Every day I run M558.2 K1 S-1 (for debug) and I get a different answer, 16, 22, 18. There is a span of about 5 around these that will work over some Z range and outside of that it is always overflowed. It's also hard to debug because in DWC the Z trigger is always red. sometimes that seems ok and other times it says it is pre-triggered.