@jbourns this is what i recommed people do with Euclid Probe. its loosely based on dc42's instrucitons for IR Probe an the page that T3P3Tony linked. Instead of using 0 as the refernce, I use a feeler of known thickness.
Narrative is written in general terms, using gcode commands. The process is basically starting with a known Z probe offset and then adding /
subtracting the difference of the true and relative positions, or using the system to determine it exactly. Figure on doing it twice- once
cold and then hot if you want more accurate height.
Assign an initial Z probe offset SMALLER than you will actually use to stop the probe HIGHER off the bed.
In RRF G31 … Z2.5 as example
Home Z as you normally do. Move the carriage where its going to be easy to access with a strip of paper / feeler gauge.
G1 X100 Y10
0.2mm or 0.3mm feeler gauge is ideal, 0.008in is close (0.207mm)
20# bond paper is about 0.1mm, or 0.004 inches
Creep the nozzle down to touch it off on the feeler gauge, then use G92 to set the height to the gauge. If you have a display or machine
console, use that to save yourself some work. Otherwise, issue terminal commands like this to jog down-
G91 ; set the machine into relative coordinates mode
G1 Z-0.05 ; move the bed UP 0.05mm
Repeat the small Z motion until you just touch your feeler. You will feel a slight drag on the feller when the nozzle is touching it.
Once you touch off the nozzle to the feeler gauge, set the machine’s Z position to that height.
G92 Z0.2 ; set the Z axis to be the value of the feeler gauge
; 0.2 in this example
Manually execute your deployprobe.g macro to pick up the probe. Move the carriage back to the spot you were at before.
You can do it all in 1 G30 command, but I prefer to do it stepwise in this case.
M401 P0
G1 X100 Y10
Then use a single probe commant to report the probe position when it triggers. Pay attention to the G-code options
so at to no reset the Z or probe height.
G30 S-1 ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered
; do not adjust the Z coordinate, just report the machine height at which the probe was triggered.
; dont forget to move Z away from the probe before you move again
G30 S-1 X100 Y100
Stopped at height 3.610 mm
That reported value is the best starting point to set your Z-probe offset for your system.
Assign the probe offset to that value with G31.
G31 X3.610
After assigning the Z value, stow and re-deploy the probe and probe again. You should get the same value.
You will have to fine tune this a bit either by redoing the procedure hot, or using baby-stepping when you print.
I find its easier to print a single 0.45mm wide perimeter, 0.3mm high around the bed and measure it to finally adjust the Z probe height.
You can reprobe the SAME spot a few times and average the values: G30 S-1 for example in RRF to probe and report
the trigger height. The result is the Z probe offset value to use in your config.