Since I have been using TPE, I have begun thinking about a HEPA + Carbon filter myself due to the smell, but in truth I should have one anyway as I use mainly ABS.
I'm yet to reconcile the need for fume extraction with the need for a heated chamber.
I suppose the exhaust from the filter will have to go back into the chamber to maintain temperature.
Is this what you have done?
Anyway, my code takes the view that the view that the filter should be on whenever any of the extruders are either not turned off or are at a temperature greater than the cold extraction temperature.
This is to cover cases when the extruder is on standby, on, or tuning.
I have also complicated it more than many would need in order to cover tools with multiple heaters, such as a mixing hotend.
To do that I needed a loop inside a loop, so I needed an extra global to track one of the loop counts.
I'm yet to fully implement this, but I've tested it as a stand alone macro to debug.
It hasn't been tested with something like a mixing hotend, but should cover that.
This is the section creating the global variables which would go in config.g
; ****************** EXTRACTION FAN CONFIGURATION SECTION **********************
;This section goes in config.g
; configure your extraction fan output.
; we assume here a gpio is used with an SSR to control a mains powered extraction/filter
; You could configure and use a fan output and change the code in daemon.g to use M106 instead of M42
; see https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/M950
M950 P5 C"exp.e5_stop" ; Output 5 uses E5_STOP pin
M42 P5 S1 ; Start with the output turned on so extraction happens immediately on a restart
; create or reset a global variable that sets how long the fan runs after heating
if !exists(global.ExtractionTime)
global ExtractionTime = 20 * 60 ; Time in seconds for fan to run after heating finished
set global.ExtractionTime = 20 * 60 ;
; create or reset global variable to store the time we want the fan to shut down
if !exists(global.FanShutDownTime)
global FanShutDownTime = state.time ; this will be reset in daemon.g if needed
set global.FanShutDownTime = state.time
;create or reset a global variable the records whether a heater is active or at melt temperature
if !exists(global.NeedFan)
global NeedFan = false
set global.NeedFan = false
; ****************** END OF EXTRACTION FAN CONFIGURATION SECTION **********************
Then in daemon.g we need this.
Note, by default daemon.g runs every 10 seconds, but that's suitable for this usage case.
; create a variable so we can loop through multiple tools with multiple heaters
if !exists(global.ToolsChecked)
global ToolsChecked = 0
set global.ToolsChecked = 0
; Check to see if the globals have been created yet in case daemon.g started before config.g finished
; If the last global created exists we run the code
if exists(global.NeedFan)
set global.NeedFan = false ; first we set the fan requirement to false
;echo "start first loop"
while global.ToolsChecked < #tools ; create a loop to check all extruder heaters. If the heater isn't off or it is over melt temp then we need the fan to run another X minutes
;echo " Tool loop " ^ global.ToolsChecked
while iterations < #tools[global.ToolsChecked].heaters
;echo "heater loop " ^ iterations
if (heat.heaters[tools[global.ToolsChecked].heaters[iterations]].state != "off") || ((heat.heaters[tools[global.ToolsChecked].heaters[iterations]].current) >= (heat.coldRetractTemperature))
;echo "heater " ^ iterations ^ " matches pattern"
set global.FanShutDownTime = statetime + global.ExtractionTime ; extend the shutdown time
set global.NeedFan = true ; set the fan variable
M42 P5 S1 ; Turn on the fan output. Use M106 instead if using fan output.
set global.ToolsChecked = #tools ; this will break the first loop
break ; no need to keep checking in the second loop as we've found a heater that needs extraction
;echo "increment ToolsChecked"
set global.ToolsChecked = (global.ToolsChecked + 1) ; increment the counter for the tools we've checked
; Now we can check if the fan needs to be turned off
;echo "time : " ^ state.time ^ " shut down due " ^ global.FanShutDownTime
if state.time >= global.FanShutDownTime
M42 P5 S0 ; turn off the fan because it's more than the required time since it was last needed.
;echo "fan turned off"
;echo "fan left on"
; ****************** END EXTRACTION FAN REQUIREMENT CHECK **********************