My printer and the boat we just printed
My printer and the boat we just printed
@dc42 So far everything works as expeced.
Thank you and great customer service!!!!!!
@thomas25 The entire forum writes in english, could show some respect to all users that do not speak your language and write in english like everybody else if you really want some help. French grandeur i guess.
Scusa fammi capire devo tradurre io quello che scrive lui perchè lui non ha voglia di tradurlo per postare su un forum dove tutti parlano in inglese?
E' anche una questione di rispetto.
Se ognuno di noi che veniamo da 20 nazioni diverse scrive nel thread nella propria lingua immagina il casino che viene fuori.
Ma se a te va bene così, non c'è problema, io mi limito a saltare i post non scritti in inglese.
@phaedrux to help a lazy one that doesn’t use google to translate you hide the content for all the others when using search function.
My printer and the boat we just printed
@t3p3tony oh ok, stupid me, it gets copied in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
So i tought my board stopped connecting because of that but obviously must have some other prob.
After few reboots wpa_supplicant.conf disapperead from /boot on raspberry pi. Any advice on how to have it stick?
@dc42 ok, great
thank you.
@dc42 Still working fine. Don't know if it could be related but the 1HCL didn't show any brake issue after we installed the probe patch on the 6XD.
1HCL are running on latest stable release.
@jay_s_uk I am a software guy, not really good when it comes to hardware but if someone tell me what to do i have decent soldering skills and tools.
On the official documentation it says:
Input power voltage Version 1.01 and earlier: 12V to 32V, version 1.02: 12V to 48V
@jay_s_uk Thanks we prefer sticking with Duet hardware, i was thinking about 1HCL but we would like to have more i/o like the 3HC. Since 3HC has a 48V version now maybe we can change just few components to make it work.