@jay_s_uk thanks that’s great news, looking forward to mess with the code.

Best posts made by CabalSoul
RE: Fly Screens are now Open Source
RE: 3.4.0 b3 leaning prints
@t3p3tony In my case always -Y.
If i rotate the object it doesn't change anything. -
RE: Brim prints fine, then Extruder stepper motor starts stalling
@obezruki i can imagine two possibilities
1.Check your line width and flow in Cura, I had once problems printing TPU not realizing I had the line width set on to 0.04mm. Yours could be set too high.
- heat creep, your extruder doesn’t get enough cooling. Starts printing fine and then clogs. When it gets colder you can extrude fine again, for a time.
Latest posts made by CabalSoul
RE: Folder structure in DWC for Filament profiles
NVM I'm using Macros to set Flags for Nozzle size and Hotendtype and conditional Gcodes in the filament config.
I think it's more intuitive I can rename the Printer withM550 P"Apex Pedator 0.4 HF PETG"
to make sure the correct settings are loaded
Folder structure in DWC for Filament profiles
I'm using the Filament profiles while they are very useful there is a slight annoyance if you have many of them.
I'm setting PA , Retraction, Nozzle Diameter, Temperature and Hotend type (Rapido HF vs UHF)The Problem is i that I have to name my Profiles like this:
0.8 UHF PETG etc.Because the Settings change depending on the material, nozzle and Hotend type, it gets a little bit overwhelming.
It would be really nice to have them organized in Folders for a better overview.
RE: Tuning extruder jerk when using an LDO Orbiter
I've got an Orbiter 1.5 @24V LDO-36STH20-1004AHG
Jerk 1800
Accel 6000
current 750mait's working like that for at least a year no problems yet. I have the same questions as yourself regarding why the 2.0 got better specs.
RE: Best Choice of Motor for a Delta Printer
@ignacmc once Ive installed a pulley flush to the stepper motor.
After I’ve tensioned the belts with 25N and started up I heard a grinding noise. The deflection was not noticeable with bare eyes but there was definitely one, and the pulley started grind against the motor.So from my experience displacement occurs also with light loads .
Setup is the same as yours on the Anycubic predator.
The stepper motor in question was a moons ms17ha2p4200
RE: Best Choice of Motor for a Delta Printer
@ignacmc i think what he suggests when the belts displace the motor shaft, this bearing would prevent or alleviate the displacement of the motor shaft and thus reduce strain on the motor bearings . The strongest force would be on the lower side of this flat bearing.
I liked this idea and never thought of it before, I’ll look into that.
I’m planning to make an automatic belt tensioner and a more sturdy motor shaft would help a lot. -
RE: Best Choice of Motor for a Delta Printer
@bberger I have a predator with a flying orbiter and remote cooling, linear rails, Kevlar belts, with moons p4200 0.9° and duet2.
I’ve bought them without knowing anything about back emf or knowing about the stepper calculator tool.
They are about 1.5 years in use.I was trying to fight VFA’s and while they got slightly better they are still there.
So my reliable travel speeds are max 350mm/s if I go higher I risk layer shifts if the nozzle bumps slightly in to the print. Still fighting with ringing if I go higher then 600mm/s on jerk.
RE: access duet web control trought VPN
@lo-fi my vpn endpoint is my synology NAS maybe that’s why it just works
RE: access duet web control trought VPN
@lo-fi my printer has a static up assigned.
I just connect to my vpn and put the local ip of my printer in the browser no additional configurations necessary. -
RE: access duet web control trought VPN
@0__felky__0 ofc, it works well via vpn and it is reasonable secure this way.
RE: Telegram/Google home + Duet wifi 2
@eranglr I’m using node red with a telegram_bot node.
You can relay the telegram chat to ssh -> duet.That way the telegram chat would just like a ssh client.
I use it just to push notifications on errors or when a print is completed with snapshot of the print.