Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!
@fcwilt Solved it, see my reply to DC42 if you are curious as to what it was. thanks for the help.
@deckingman I finally sorted it, turned out to be a bit of bad geometry in the print head mount, under certain circumstances it turned into a self-energising brake. see my reply to DC42 for more details. That sounds like the oven timer going off, my large humble pie must be finished baking, time to go eat it!
@splathammer said in Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!:
@deckingman I finally sorted it, turned out to be a bit of bad geometry in the print head mount, under certain circumstances it turned into a self-energising brake. see my reply to DC42 for more details. That sounds like the oven timer going off, my large humble pie must be finished baking, time to go eat it!
Glad to hear you found the problem.
Occam's Razor comes through again.
I hope the pie is Apple - I love Apple pie.
@splathammer said in Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!:
@deckingman I finally sorted it, turned out to be a bit of bad geometry in the print head mount, under certain circumstances it turned into a self-energising brake. see my reply to DC42 for more details. That sounds like the oven timer going off, my large humble pie must be finished baking, time to go eat it!
Man, I'm so pleased for you. And it's great that you are man enough to admit what the fault was. Most people would simply slink away and leave everyone else wondering what the hell the problem could have been.
Don't feel bad about it. We all make mistakes or overlook things (and that sleep deprivation thing is a killer).
@fcwilt Its Apple Humble Pie ; )
@splathammer said in Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!:
@fcwilt Its Apple Humble Pie ; )
@SplatHammer I am glad you worked that out! I have been chasing issues down on a product for some time now, and it's amazing how a seemingly complex problem can turn out to be one of the most simple. now, let's see what you can do with that board!!
Curious: Do you have some pics available of your build? I would really like to see it.
I also want to underscore what Ian said -- thank you for acknowledging you had made a mistake. We all can get very hot headed/upset with 3d printing, it's just the nature of the beast.... what separates the men from the boys, per se, is owning up to your problems and carrying on without getting hung up on the details, insulting someone, etc... This is another reason why I love the Duet community... we tend to have a lot of people with these qualities, and that fosters even more to follow their lead.
I am preparing to do a similar build that I will be utilizing as a test bed; it will be modeled very similarly to the design E3D has been using to show their toolchanger... the idea will be: solid, high-quality build with easy access to all components for the purposes of testing out various configurations quickly.
@streamliner Thanks and thanks for the help and advice.!
If you like I will post some pics when I have tidied it up a bit, still havent put the drag chain on the z axis.
If you are doing a build try checking out these guys if you are looking for linear rails http://www.cpc-europa.de they can probably also point you in the right direction for a UK (or wherever you are) distributer. Quality is excellent (they are not quite as silky smooth as the hiwins out of the box but they have broken in quickly and are now perfect. They are also pretty cheap, I was quoted โฌ75 for 15mm HRC X 70cm in H precision and V0 preload. They are US made.
Also take a look at Primopal steppers (www.primopal.com) , they make every type of stepper and servo and drivers you can imagine and have ebay and aliexpress stores. Quality is fantastic and they are very helpful and will send you exactly what you want if one of their packs (they usually sell them in sets of 3-5 of the same type but will mix if you want). I caqn look for the links if you are interested.
Richard -
A couple more suppliers that might interest you:
These guys do a huge range of pulleys and belts. Belts are very high quality (thin and flexible), cut straight and no fibres on the edge.
Huge range of bed heaters, will do custom really cheap (1500 watt - ok overkill but it heats to 60C in about 90 seconds and its mic8! - 50cm x 55cm $75) Quality is excellent, power cable is silicon sheathed. About 1/3 price of competitor.
Hope this helps! -
@splathammer Forgot the link for the heaters
https://www.aliexpress.com/store/709519?spm=2114.10010108.0.0.4e337493ueO7Ab -
@splathammer said in Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!:
@deckingman I just got it to install! I suddenly noticed the error message said it couldnt find "DuetWiFiFirmware.bin" and the file is named Duet2CombinediFirmware.bin on github AND in the installation instructions. What a load of CยทยทP!
I'm sorry to be a little late to the party.
First of all I am happy to see that you finally sorted out the printing problems.Regarding the quoted part above: you need to upgrade to the latest
(can be found here). This is actually what performs the updates and the filename for the update file is hardcoded in there. This name was changed in 1.21 or 2.0 (not sure anymore) but it required also to update the updater. -
@wilriker Thanks for that! I had it on the card with V1.9 so thought it would be ok, I will update.
@wilriker said in Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!:
Regarding the quoted part above: you need to upgrade to the latest iap4e.bin (can be found here). This is actually what performs the updates and the filename for the update file is hardcoded in there. This name was changed in 1.21 or 2.0 (not sure anymore) but it required also to update the updater.
Just to be clear, it is only old versions of iap4e.bin (older than about February 2017) that use a fixed filename (DuetWiFiFirmware.bin) instead of using the filename that RepRapFirmware passes to iap4e. But upgrading iap4e.bin to latest version won't do any harm. I think the reason that @SplatHammer had trouble upgrading is as described at https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Installing_and_Updating_Firmware#Section_Upgrading_a_Duet_WiFi_or_Ethernet_to_firmware_1_21_or_later_from_1_20_or_earlier.
@dc42 said in Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!:
Just to be clear, it is only old versions of iap4e.bin (older than about February 2017) that use a fixed filename (DuetWiFiFirmware.bin) instead of using the filename that RepRapFirmware passes to iap4e.
Thanks for correcting me.
As a sideline observer, let me pile on:
Happy you found root cause.
VERY good of you to "own it".
@splathammer the baby stepping combined with bad connection can mean big problems, like sending a command twice or more times
@patakopecek I sorted out the connection problem and I have only used baby stepping once. It was entirely the problem of the mount. I have already made several perfect prints. Now I am able to fine tune the machine the quality is incredible with no ripples or artifacts -all surfaces are like glass!
@splathammer said in Duet Wifi keeps wrecking my printer, not happy!:
Also take a look at Primopal steppers (www.primopal.com) [...] I caqn look for the links if you are interested.
Actually I would be interested.
I have been following this thread with interest as well. As I am a bit of a noob I didnโt want to get involved as there are plenty of experts here who would be able to help. Really glad you have it sorted. The support on this forum is amazing and everyone is willing to help, which I love. Hopefully you have restored your faith in the product as from my short experience with it, it seems like a great product that is ever developing.
Kind Regards,
@wilriker Your wish is my command!
Aliexpress link
https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1452584?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4drrI1lBebay shop is
https://www.ebay.com/str/apluscnctechnologyboth are official stores, if you pay with paypal it goest to an email at primopal.com
Thay have an HUGE range including 0.9 degree, geared, with brakes, servos, drivers etc.NOTE check the listings, you can have a flat (D style shaft) on all models BUT you need to specify it, there is a code listed you have to add on the part number or just email them.
They will put a lower cost on the invoice for customs if you ask.