SMS on filament out detect?
Has anyone figured out how to get an SMS message when the filament out sensor fires? I have been using up nearly empty spools since I added my sensor. The resume works well so far, but I don't like the stuff cooking while the printer is paused. I need some notification to go change filament.
I do have a Raspberry Pi Zero WiFi camera as well.
@3dmntbighker there are a couple of threads on this; adding some form of push notifications. Nothing official yet.
There was also a guy who was busy writing a Telegram bot for the Raspberry Pi. Not sure what happened to the project.
In the meantime you could simply have the pause and resume macros deactivate the tool and go to standby temp and then heat up again for filament swap and before resuming.
If you have a panel due You could also add some long high pitched beeps to maybe grab your attention if in ear shot.