Doubts about mesh compensation
I have doubts about the use I am making of the bed compensation, I mean. The procedure that I usually use, when I change something from the bed or the Nozzle, is the following:
1- I turn on the printer
2- Home the printer (using Homedelta.g)
3- Calibration of the bed.
4- Adjust the point Z = 0
5- Execute a Compensation of the bed.
6- Print- To use the compensation of the bed, I have included "G29 S1", at the end of the file HOMEDELTA.G ", which leads me to think that I am not using the last" HEIGHTMAP.CSV ". Do not?
When print i use the "HEIGHTMAP.CSV", which is generated in the last compensation of the bed.
If this is so ... Which method do you recommend to me to make sure that I use "HEIGHTMAP.CSV" more recently, the one that has been generated point 5.It occurs to me to put "G29 S1" in the star Gcode of the Slicer, but this has a problem, which I can not check if the "HEIGHTMAP.CSV", manually using the DWC.
What is the solution for:
A- Make sure I use the last "HEIGHTMAP.CSV"
B- Be able to check it before printing, with the movements you make in the DWCThank you
Heighmap.csv is file, isnt it? So you use one and only Heighmap.csv, cos you cant have many files with same name in same folder. -
Yes, its the file of gridmap
If you run G29 S1 it will load the heightmap.csv file unless you use the P parameter to specify an alternative filename.
You can check that mesh bed compensation is enabled using M122. Look for "Bed compensation in use: mesh" in the report.