My duetwifi seems to have died :(
Printed Ok this morning, went back to it and switched it on and while the LEDs come on, no webui, IP not pingable, so no wifi. Some fans spin up, part cooling and cold end, board cooling fan is not being spun up, tested with external power spins OK.
I have 3 red LEDS, green LED has not worked for a long time (if ever).
I can see the comm port in device manager, I have swapped ports and usb cables but it is not being recognised if the troubleshooting FAQ is correct.
I installed duetsetup (or tried to)
Connected Ok with pronterface to com5.
Um well the help FAQ is a bit lacking, like what do I do now?
In prontoface when I hit an axis the steppers hum a bit but nothing moves.
I can see 24v on the PSU LED.
Step bed temp, temp rises OK.
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.16 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2016-11-08M115
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.16 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2016-11-08So its "alive" I suppose
So updating firmware I get,
M997 S0
Error: In-application programming binary "iap4e.bin" not found
[ERROR] Error: In-application programming binary "iap4e.bin" not found -
Ok found that….installed it to /sys.
Trying to connect at 230400 baud:
Erasing 4096 bytes...
Erasing 233472 bytes...
Uploading file...
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Upload successful -
Before trying to update the firmware on maybe not working hardware try disabling and reenabling the wifi module.
M552 S0
M552 S1What does m552 return in pronterface?
Well at least it was successful?
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.20 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2017-12-23M587 S"24G" P"mypassword" never returns. Nothing on wifi router.
Trying to set up the wifi and no workie
There are pretty specific steps for upgrading to 1.20 from an older firmware. It's a bit of a change from previous updates. Did you follow those steps?
Ok when I send the above it switches my password to uppercase by the look of it. M552 S1 says wrong password
as far as I know.
Ok so this is a 3rd set of instructions!
OK so its all upper case so I need to find something else to send commands with
M98 P/macros/SetNetwork
Warning: Macro file /macros/SetNetwork not found.<lf>ok<lf>Warning: Macro file /macros/SetNetwork not found.<lf>ok <lf>hmmm something wrong here…</lf></lf></lf></lf> -
M552 S1
ok<lf>WiFi module started <lf>M587
Remembered networks:<lf>24G IP= GW= NM=<lf>24G_IOT IP= GW= NM=<lf>ok<lf>WiFi reported error: Wrong password while trying to connect to 24G<lf>Wifi module is idle <lf>?It can see 24G so wifi hardware must be OK?
I know the password is correct.</lf></lf></lf></lf></lf></lf></lf></lf>
M587 S"G24" P"xxxxxxx"
M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list<lf>ok <lf>?</lf></lf> -
OK I am failing to get an IP address.
(COM7) Remembered networks:<lf>24G IP= GW= NM=<lf>24G_IOT IP= GW= NM=<lf>G24 IP= GW= NM=<lf>ok<lf>WiFi reported error: Wrong password while trying to connect to 24G<lf>Wifi module is idle</lf></lf></lf></lf></lf></lf>