Many problems with 3.5.2
Well, it took me some time since I needed to finish some jobs, but I changed the SD card, although I couldn't find anything wrong with the old one. I was trying the .dummy upload with a large file, and it disconnect after a short while. I I run M122 after it reconnect I can see 250ms for longest read time, but inmediately after if I run M122 again it shows 5.2ms.
It's worth mentioning that I have absolutely no problems while printing. I didn't have a single print failure even after 3 days of continuous printing.Also while writing this I tried to do a large simulation and it did it ok without disconnections.
I reflashed 3.5.1 and all the awkward delays are gone. Commands from panel due are instantaneous.
With 3.5.2 everything works, but has a delay before commands are executed.
So for now I'll stay with 3.5.1. -
@3DOeste Did you update DWC to 3.5.2 as well? Possibly old DWC files in the SD card /www folder are causing an issue. Also worth clearing browser cache for DWC and the ip address of the printer, and reloading the page in the browser. It is possible that there was some problem with the flash to 3.5.2, so worth redownloading 3.5.2 fresh and reflashing, if/when you want to update.
Hi, I'm sure DWC was on 3.5.2, and also try again from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 and I have the slow response from commands from panel due (and also from DWC), back to 3.5.1 again and everithing runs fine.
@3DOeste A suggestion from @chrishamm is to update to 3.5.2 and disconnect the PanelDue, and see if that makes a difference to the responsiveness of DWC. How is the PanelDue connected? By 4-wire cable, ribbon cable, or both?
It's connected with a 4-wire cable. I'll test disconnecting the PanelDue as soon as the current print is finished.
@3DOeste instead of disconnecting the PanelDue it is sufficient to leave it displaying its Setup page.
@dc42 Hi, I tried that, and it works ok. Today I installed 3.5.3, same behaviour as 3.5.2, but if after homing, I enter the panel due setup page, and then back to status, everything works as it should, without weird delays. It doesn't happen with 3.5.1.
@3DOeste thanks for the feedback. We added a check in 3.5.2 to reduce the chance of consistently running our of buffers when both PanelDue and DWC are active. It appears that this check is having a side-effect in your system. I have created this issue
Looks and sounds like the same issue I have. isn't it? Started with 3.5.2 and also present with 3.5.3. -
undefined AlexKid referenced this topic
@3DOeste please would you test this with 3.6beta3 RRF and 3.5.1 Paneldue firmware: together should have resolved this issue.
@T3P3Tony Hi Tony, I tried but 3.6beta3 wroke connection with DWC, I'm trying to fix it now.
@3DOeste There's a bug with 3.6.0-beta.3 on Duet Ethernet boards. See for updated version.
@3DOeste I was not sure ,from the other thread, if this is also fixed for you?