3.5 + feedback
Duet Mini 5 wifi and 1LC toolhead on a 500x500 corexy.
I I've been running it for 2 days. No issues have appeared as of yet. Print quality is much better; PA & IS appear to be working quite well.
I am trying to compensate a Y axis issue that is beyond simple frame resonance, because it is purely a fault of my own, due to my gantry movement design. I was actually able to apply the input shaping specifically to the Y axis and tune a fair amount out; enough that I am seeing results. Part of it is also being able to tune feature jerk settings in the newest Orcaslicer RC release. I will redesign the gantry later on to remove the issue.
I still think the biggest issue is that the DWC IS interface needs more diagnostic options and a better explanation how it works and how to use it. I can see a lot of people trying to get IS to work but not really understanding what they are looking for or ideas on how to effectively utilize it. They get frustrated and run off to Klipper.
@br7408 thanks for your feedback! Please can you report the result of running M115 so that I can see exactly which firmware build you are using.
I agree that we need to make input shaper tuning easier.
Hi Dave,
I am out of town on business until Thu; I can provide then. If it helps, I downloaded the aforementioned firmware from:
This was the link you had put out in a previous thread.
code_text m115 FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.5.0-rc.1+ ELECTRONICS: Duet 3 Mini5plus WiFi FIRMWARE_DATE: 2023-11-03 17:18:21
I guess I spoke too soon. Having a new issue where I keep dropping the wifi. Was happening particularly when I am running the input shaper. I have to reboot my printer to get it back.
Also getting random heater faults from the LC1 reading 2000° after reboot.
I read others are having a few of these similar bugs.
@br7408 the heater on the tool board reading 2000C after resetting the main board will probably be fixed by the latest expansion board firmware updated today at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/tjznycpk7bv7sj71p0ssl/h?rlkey=096p4nvgmigyrb20jj8olg3wu&dl=0/.
@dc42 That fixed the heater problem.
Still having issues with the wifi randomly dropping, and also getting disk almost full warnings, despite my SSD card only being half full.