duet3mini tmc2209 rsense value
Please can somebody comfirm me the right value for the rsense on duet3mini tmc2209 drivers?
@apak the schematics are at https://github.com/Duet3D/Duet3-Mini5plus.
@dc42 not good at that, but seems 0.056ohm, right?
@apak It might help if you explain what you need it for. You may need to adjust in some situations to allow for the pcb traces.
@GLOOMYANDY I know klipper is not suported on the forum, but I am trying to set up my predator with duet3 mini and smarteffector and I recall reading somewhere that the rsense was 220 but on klipper specs says 560.
In the way of doing it the minisherpa stepper died and I didn´t know if had the correct rsense on that config
@apak Well this is the value that RRF uses for the sense resistor: https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/blob/3.5-dev/src/Config/Pins_Duet3Mini.h#L171
@gloomyandy thanks