How do I add a physical buzzer to Duet board?
@zapta said in How do I add a physical buzzer to Duet board?:
Or, if you have a free stepper driver, you can connect a small stepper with some printed rotating noise maker.
My mind went straight to..."where do I get an STL for an air raid siren?"
@owend, you can try a Klaxon. It uses a wavy disk and a diaphragm. E.g.
(I had some exposure to conventional British submarine technology and they used a Klaxon to signal the diving stations together with the Dive Dive Dive call. It worked on 220VDC because they had 200 Tons of lead-acid batteries under the floor. I always loved the uniqueness of that sound.).
@tomf you should be able to attach a buzzer at the 12864 header pins for that, enable the 12864 display and then it should buzz for good.
@owend said in How do I add a physical buzzer to Duet board?:
My mind went straight to..."where do I get an STL for an air raid siren?"
Here is one, it's loud.
noise_maker_wheel - press_fiit_wheel.stl
noise_maker_wheel - wheel_for_deflanged_pulley.stl
Onshape source design:
That's awesome.
I like it !Accordingly, one could also take a fan and convert it into a flute.
With different speeds and possibly two fans you could play a melody.
A digital dijurido for the printer
With the right gcode you may also be able to play tunes on AM radios.
There is an MP3 player that runs on 3,3 volt - 5 volts and can be triggered by a microswitch (or Duet Board).
Up to 999 MP3 files can be played, so the next MP3 file in the list is played each time the microswitch is pressed.
Of course, an MP3 file is also possible, which is then always played.The part would be the ideal supplement for a Duet Board, which announces an event such as a filament change or similar.
Here's a video.
In the video description you will find the link to their website.DFPlayer (AZ-Delivery)
DFPlayer Info (Wiki - DFRobot / English)P.S.:
I don't have a 100% idea of that, but isn't it possible to use this module to announce various events from the Duet Board (WITHOUT Arduino) ?
Check out the DFPlayer info page.
Please give your assessment!
To explain a little more...
Playing an MP3 track is no problem, but you can also play specific MP3 tracks from the SD card via Arduino.
Is this possible with the Duet Wifi eg with a GCode command?Google Translate
--- Original Text ---Es gibt einen MP3 Player der mit 3,3Volt - 5Volt betrieben wird und per Microschalter (oder Duet Board) ausgelöst werden kann.
Es können bis zu 999 MP3-Files abgespielt werden, also nach jedem betätigen des Microschalters wird das nächste MP3-File in der Liste abgespielt.
Es geht natürlich auch ein MP3-File, welches dann immer abgespielt wird.Das Teil wäre die ideale Ergänzung für ein Duet Board, welches einem ein Ereignis wie zB ein Filamentwechsel o.ä. ansagt.
Hier ein Video.
In der Videobeschreibung findet ihr den Link zu deren Webseite.DFPlayer (AZ-Delivery)
DFPlayer Info (Wiki - DFRobot / English)P.S.:
Ich habe da nicht 100% Ahnung von, aber ist es mit diesem Modul nicht möglich verschiedenste Ereignisse vom Duet Board (OHNE Arduino) ansagen zu lassen ?
Guckt euch dazu die DFPlayer Info Seite an.
Bitte um Eure Einschätzung !
Um es etwas genauer zu erklären...
einen MP3 Titel abzuspielen ist kein Problem, aber man kann per Arduino auch bestimmte MP3 Titel von der SD Karte abspielen.
Ist dieses mit dem Duet Wifi möglich zB mit einem GCode Befehl ? - had some fun with this
Not bad.
But an MP3 sound file which says "Please change filament", "Important message in the console" or "The filament spool is empty" etc pp is more elegant.
At least an MP3 file is easy to play, but the GFPlayer can play a specific MP3 file from the list, just HOW to control it with the Duet-Wifi without Arduino ?
Is that even possible ?
There are probably other uses that I can't think of at the moment.The Duet (Smart Duet) of the future...
Duet, what time is this print ready?
Duet, is there enough filament for this print?
Duet, which layer is currently being printed?
Duet, turn off the bed heater!
Duet, Babysteps 0.05mm down! -
@norder sounds like you need siri or alexa built in for that not an avenue I would want to go down....sure you can print this but just watch this advert first!
the SBC on a duet 3 would be the ideal I would of thought store the mp3 file on the duetpi SD card then reference it in a macro or setting for the Pi to playback plus the Pi has a speaker jack for better sound, not sure if that`s possible but it seems logical
undefined Norder referenced this topic
@TomF @Norder you could use a RPi Pico with a few additional components to emulate a small part of PanelDueFirmware, connect to the PanelDue port and play MP3 files when certain events occur. You could start from
@OwenD @zapta @oliof @Norder @dc42
Wow, I'm amazed by the inventive range of ideas proposed by respondents to this post! Air raid sirens. Klaxons. MP3 tunes. Now, a buzzer sounds so yesterday. Thanks to all who responded.
I opted for the motor idea from @zapta with a few mods to the stl's so I can hang it at a jaunty angle on the back on my printer and have a flat on the shaft. I'm running some tests at the moment. Currently it sounds like a machine gun so I will make some adjustments to avoid anyone calling the police!
Excellent !
I would like to see a video of that.This version attracts cats rather than the police.
@tomf, awesome!
I just want to say I love everything about this thread.
@norder it is possible to create some interesting notifcation options with node-red and nodeDSF.
This potato quality video (sorry it's an old video now) shows notifcations on smart speaker, LG TV, and sending emails. But there are many more options available to you with node-red. nodeDSF will work with SBC or stand-alone board configurations over the network.
That is very interesting.
I'll take a look and see if it's something for me.
LG 4K Smart TV is available and serves as my computer monitor and is always on during construction and printing.Thanks for the link, @MintyTrebor
Two of your PlugIn's are already running on my DWC, maybe there will be three soon ?Thank you for your time and work on the PlugIn's.