I'm getting some odd behavoir with a couple of motors on my 3D printer. One displays this message with corresponding judder of the motor. The other doesnt give a message but the motor doesn't move or make make a noise.
I know there will be shouts of Check Your Wiring. But I've checked all phases on the motor, checked the cables and physical condition of connectors and nothing seems wrong, I understand that it could be a transient problem.
But here's the thing: these problems only happen occasionally and only during homing and other startup routines. If I switch off and restart, then (so far) everything is fine until maybe a few days later when I see it again. It has never happened during a print.
Surely if it was a wiring problem then the problem is more likely to occur during the hours of printing rather than restricted to the few minutes of startup?
I have a Rat-Rig core XY printer which has three Z motors The problem is occurs on one of the XY motosr and one of the Z motors. The error in the title is attributed only to the XY motor. The Z axis motor just doesnt move and so the bed levels unevenly with no warning message.
I have a Duet 3 Mini with latest firmware.