How to change type of thermistor in gcode.
Hello, I've been having issues with my pt100 so I decided to change it out to a regular thermistor from e3d. However, it didn't work and I learned I need to change something in the gcode. How do I go about doing this? I have a Duet2 Ethernet. Thank you! (Also, I found something on the previous forum but I didn't understand it. I need someone to explain to me how to do it.)
@braeden-0 said in How to change type of thermistor in gcode.:
Hello, I've been having issues with my pt100 so I decided to change it out to a regular thermistor from e3d. However, it didn't work and I learned I need to change something in the gcode. How do I go about doing this? I have a Duet2 Ethernet. Thank you! (Also, I found something on the previous forum but I didn't understand it. I need someone to explain to me how to do it.)
You might want to convert to PT1000 sensors instead of Thermistors.
In any case here is the code I have with firmware 3.4.0 for the bed heater and the extruder:
M308 S0 A"BED" P"temp0" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4267 ; configure sensor (S), name (A), pin name (P), type (Y), properties (T,B) M308 S1 A"EXT" P"temp1" Y"pt1000" ; configure sensor (S), name (A), pin name (P), type (Y), properties (T,B)
The T and B parameters depend on the particular thermistor you are using. As you can see a PT1000 is simpler.
@fcwilt Do you have to have a seperate board for the pt1000 like the pt100? The reason I got rid of the pt100 is because I would keep having to buy the thermistor and replace it. I think the board was frying it somehow. I had to replace it two or three times. I figured the regular thermistor would be easier.
@braeden-0 a PT1000 does not need a separate board.
For how to configure a regular E3D thermistor in RRF, see If it is connected to the TEMP1 connector then the command you need is:
M308 S1 Y"thermistor" P"temp1" B4725 C7.060000e-8
@dc42 It's working now, thank y'all!