No Step/Dir Signal from Duet 3 Expansion 1XD
Hey guys,
I have been trying to get my Duet expansion 1XD's to work. I have them all configured and addressed just fine and I don't get any errors on startup, however, when I try to home on my core xy, nothing happens. The stepper drivers are all green with the enable signal disabled/not used. I manually trip the home switch to fake it, and to stop the home process (I am homing one axis at a time). Since nothing happens, I decided to check the step and dir signals with my oscilloscope after hitting the home button. I can clearly see that there is nothing happening. I can ping every address to my 1XD's.
My config file looks good to me, but, this is my first time with this, so I will upload a copy of my config so somebody can have a look. The printer I am building is brand new and has never even homed yet. It is the V core 3 500. I will also include a pic of the electronics panel.
Thanks in advance!
In Use Config.txt
People will be able to better help if you post:
- Your config.g
- The results of M122
- The results of M98 P"config.g"
- The manufacturer and model number of the external stepper drivers you are using.
- A photo and a description of the way you have the external drivers connected.
We'll get you stepping along I'm sure.
Also, THIS PAGE has a lot of things about how the lights are supposed to blink and how to connect the drivers. You've probably read it all, but it might be worth it to go through it step-by-step again.
@jered My config is posted, fyi
Here is the result of the M122. Motor drivers are iES-1706. I am not using the enable signal or alarm sig. I have used these before and have never had a problem, but never with 3D printers. I will include the manual for these. And another copy of my config.g
@Jered :
Are the red status lights in the 1XD boards all flashing in sync with the one on the main board?
Please run the following command:
M98 P"config.g"
and post the output here, to check for faults while running config.g.
- Test the motors by first sending G91 to select relative mode, then use G1 H2 moves. This is to eliminate issues with your homing switches. For example this:
G91 G1 H2 X10
should move the X axis 10mm in the +X direction.
(Oh, I see dc42 got here before me. Do his stuff first of course.)
Can you say how you have the drivers connected?
- Which pin on the Duet is connected to PUL+
- Which pin on the Duet is connected to PUL-
What pattern does the green and red LEDs show on the driver.
Are there default values for the "T" parameters?
When I was testing an external drive, I used this:M569 P5 S1 T4:4:4:4
@dc42 The red led's are blinking in sink with the main controller. I do have a problem with one of the 1xd boards and I think it needs replaced. You will see this from the screen shot of the command you asked me to send. I also sent the M115 so you could see it as well.
There are no green lights on the 1xd's
I did reset the board addressed 125 and it did work for a few hours, but then the light went back to a solid red LED. This board is for one of the 3, Z axis, so I am not worried about it.
I will also attach pics of the connections, but they are 1 for 1. Dir+ to Dir+ and so on. That being said, I see no sig with my scope. If the 1xd's were trying to drive, I would here something with the motors.
I also tried the command G91 G1 H2 X10 to move X but nothing happened.
My drivers show a solid green led. No errors on the drivers and they are holding position.
Also, I noticed that in the results for the M122 only the drives that are on the main controller are listed. Is this normal? Seems like I should see all the drives. I also have a 3HC connected and it is not showing the drives for that either.
@jered CAN address 125 is not permitted because it is reserved for use by our test equipment. I suggest you use CAN address 40. 41 and so on for the 1XD boards.
CAN addresses 120 upwards are best avoided, except that if you have just one expansion board of a particular type in your system, then you can leave that board set to its default address.
You can get the driver status of a CAN-connected board by running a M122 command for that board, for example: M122 B121
You've got Direction+ and - swapped so you likely won't be able to change directions, but that shouldn't stop movement.
Was the board you were testing with the oscilloscope the one with the illegal address?
@alankilian No, I only tested the ones that are working. I will change the addresses tomorrow. The board with the address 125 has only the 5v led lit (solid). The other boards have the 5v led solid and the status blinking in sync. Status light never comes on, on the bad (125) board. I tried to reset it with the jumper many times now, and it will not reset, so I can not access it to change it's address. I think I will have to order a new board. That shouldn't stop me from getting the x and y to move.
I do not see that the wires are swapped I double checked. Blue wire is on the DO_DIR + pin which is 5th pin down when looking a the schematic online. Green in PUL+ which is 3rd pin down on 1xd.Here are the new files for the address changes I made. I can not access the 125 board, so I could not change it.
I think I made the changes correctly to the config file.
Also, I did try to move the machine using
G91 G1 H2 X10, nothing happened. -
@jered regarding the board with address 125, if you fit the reset jumper and leave it powered up for a while, it may eventually start up at its default address (122). When that happens, you can use M122 B122 to check the bootloader version, and if necessary update the bootloader. If it fails to start up even after a long time then please submit a warranty claim for that board to
Regarding the other boards, please run command M122 for each board. For example, if your X driver board is now at CAN address 40, run M122 B40.
Also please post the contents of your config.g file now that you have changed the board addresses.
@dc42 I have already run the M122 for every board and posted it. Here it is again. I will also try to reset the bad board. console (1).txt
@jered thanks, I didn't see that.
You are running firmware 3.3 on the main board but 3.2.2 on the 1XD boards. Please update all boards to firmware 3.4.0.
@jered said in No Step/Dir Signal from Duet 3 Expansion 1XD:
I do not see that the wires are swapped I double checked.
You are right, sorry about that.
Ok, I will try and do that. I am not familiar with updating, so it may take me a while. When I click on the link for the latest update for the 1xd board, it brings me to the latest update for the main board. So I am not sure where to get it.I am connected to an SBC, so, is there an easy way to do it from there?