Duex5 Testers
I added a couple of pics to my case design on Thingiverse that shows it fitted and wired up next the Duet WiFi http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1859048.
Was the ribbon cable long enough?
The one I ordered was. :). Given that the board is designed to go back to back with the Duet, I guessed that the "standard" ribbon cable might be a bit short because it has to have a twist and the connectors are no longer opposite each other. I don't know for sure if the "standard" cable would be too short as I asked for a 300mm long cable when I ordered the Duex5 (the additional cost was very reasonable I might add). I can say that 300mm is a bit too long - I'd guess 200mm or maybe a bit shorter still might be OK.
Oh dear, the one that came will be to short then!
Tony - What parts do i need to build one? Can i source them from RS ?
I use as similar side-by-side configuration in my bench test setup. A 180mm cable is just about long enough.
Yes you can get the parts from RS, Farnell, Rapid etc. The ribbon cable is standard 0.127mm pitch 28awg 50 way and the connectors are standard 2x25 way 2.54mm pitch IDC sockets.
I use as similar side-by-side configuration in my bench test setup. A 180mm cable is just about long enough.
Yes you can get the parts from RS, Farnell, Rapid etc. The ribbon cable is standard 0.127mm pitch 28awg 50 way and the connectors are standard 2x25 way 2.54mm pitch IDC sockets.
Quick Question. How do i get for example FAN3 to stay on permanently?
Quick Question. How do i get for example FAN3 to stay on permanently?
Ok scrap that. Worked it out!
Works a treat deckingman
That's neat. I didn't manage to lose all the ribbon cable in my installation - I took a guess at 300mm which was way to long. What length did you end with?
Edit. I think it might work better still with a bit more separation between the boards - there is room to move the Duex5 but still keep the outside the same. I might tweak the design at some point.
That's neat. I didn't manage to lose all the ribbon cable in my installation - I took a guess at 300mm which was way to long. What length did you end with?
Edit. I think it might work better still with a bit more separation between the boards - there is room to move the Duex5 but still keep the outside the same. I might tweak the design at some point.
I'll let you know how long it is in the morning after the print finishes.
Is it still possible to get one of these or do we have to wait for production boards now? If the latter, what is the timing? I have 3 x Z steppers with external drivers ATM I need to drive and was going to make my own breakout board but one of these would be much easier.