Duet 0.6 and Expansion connector
Started new project and decided to use my old Duet 0.6 for it... But came up with one little problem...
What is the default pinout (software defined outputs) on the expansion connector with DC42 1.19 Firmware on Duet 0.6?
Main reason is for adding external stepper drives and maybe the 7" touch screen... -
For touch screen connections see https://miscsolutions.wordpress.com/paneldue/. For external steppers etc. see the expansion connector pinout in the DueX4 schematic, which you can find in t3p3's github.
Thanks just what was looking for…
One more thing is it possible to output 0-5V pwm from Fan0 connection? if not is there "reserved" G-code/M-Code command what would allow me to output 0-5V pwm from one pin? Without rebuilding firmware from source...
Not sure what you mean by 0-5V… do you want to control the voltage?
If not, pin 1 is +5V, pin 3 is 3.3V...I hope it helps
http://reprap.org/wiki/Duet_pinout -
I think you miss read the "PWM" part
0-5V PWM Signal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-width_modulation
Half of pins are compatible with it… but if theres G/M-code implented with it already... Would save the trouble of coding and rebuilding the source... -
Thanks you for the intel about PWM.
If you want to use the Fan1 you can try this:
X is the speed of the fan
M106 P1 H-1
M106 P1 SXXX
Source: https://www.duet3d.com/forum/thread.php?id=260I think that you might be able to use the heater pins (18, 21, 22, 23), but then you would require to
reserve them has follow:
X is the heater number (pin 18 = heater 2, 21=3, 22=4, 23=5)
M307 HX A-1 C-1 D-1 ; To reserve Pin X for your usageAre you going to use servos?
https://duet3d.com/wiki/Using_servos_and_controlling_unused_I/O_pinsThere is a lot more about PWM, but my break is over. I hope it helps.
Thank you…
You are right... didn't notice that expansion headers heater pins could be reserved for something else with M307...
I think I will use the M42 for my purpose... should be rather easy to implement on post processor...So to summarize best course of action is:
1. First disable expansion header heaters with M307
2. Then you can use M42 for driving them.
3. For 5V Pwm it's easiest to use 3.3V -> 5V Logic level converter as interface https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12009