BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.08 01-03-25
@mintytrebor I'm going through the same process:
First sending:global testBTN = 40
Checking in OM browser (refreshed a few times to be sure):
Then setting up the panel:
I checked for trailing spaces and made sure they were not there.
Still getting "###":
Also I tried sending this command:set global.testBTN = 45
To see if it would update the value in the panel, but still have "###".
Are you guys in standalone mode/duet2? I'm running an SBC.
T -
@tristanryerparke I'm using a stand alone config on a duet2. That may account for the variance??
In principle DWC is the same for both versions - however there maybe some differences in the way the machine model is retrieved in the backend.
In the plugin I am not retrieving the model, I am using the one that is already resident in DWC, so I will have to do some digging to see what I can find out. Its unlikely to be a speedy process though.
Update: I've just spotted this post, which seems related to this issue. Looks like its an SBC issue.....
@MintyTrebor With the 3.3rc1 update globals are now displaying correctly in btncmd!
Would it be possible to have a color option for the Object Model panel?
Or a color switch based upon value like the z-probe status in DWC?
Also, what about a secondary organization structure in which buttons and panels could be grouped? Kind of like this on the DWC dashboard:
Just some suggestions, I'm really loving this plugin so far.
Much simpler than my previous node-red dashboard setup.
T -
@tristanryerparke Good news that the global variables are working for you now! I will have a look at setting the panel colour in the next release. Conditional colours & grouping I will have to look into.
HI @MintyTrebor ,
Have you ever come across an error like this:
Installation failed!
InvalidOperationException in InstallPlugin: Cannot perform command because the plugin service is not started
I was running 3.2.2 (this is all in SBC mode) and tried to install Alpha 0.8.17 which wouldn't work and so I upgraded DWC to 3.3.0-rc1 and then this error occurred.
Just tried Alpha 0.8.16 in case and got the same error.
@madeinta1wan see :
You need to install/enable the plugin service. -
Very nice and useful. Thanks for your work!
With Firefox when adding a new button the select "Type" does not expand. With up/down buttons it is possible to change the field value.
And in addition may I place a feature request?
Would be nice to have a button type to execute a command line script/command.
@martinnyhc That looks like you have this issue here
Its a localised issue, the solution is in the the thread I linked. You can either do the proper fix or go into BtnCmd global settings and disable selects, which will turn every drop down into radio buttons as a work around.With your feature request can I assume you are running a DSF/SBC configuration?
Changed global setting and that's fine.
And yes.....SBC always because I like it
Oh yes....I could use a custom GCODE and use the execoncommand plugin but for example I would like to change something in the current GCODE file. So at least I need to pass a variable for the filename.
@martinnyhc I'm not planning to do anything with SBC only plugin features until the plugin framework has been finalised, and does not require manual user steps to enable/get working. But I will add your request to the wish list. In the meantime you can always use another solution for running linux commands, triggered with a mqtt/http button in BtnCmd. Home Assistant & Node-Red spring to mind.
By way of a general update I will be publishing the following new functions on the next release (aiming for this weekend if testing goes ok).
Colour options & vertical/horizontal layout option for Model Value Panels
Create Custom Panels - Design a new panel layout then use within a normal layout. Useful for grouping layouts etc.
Also made a few small UI changes and the normal round of bug fixes etc.
Yeah, already thought about MQTT. Thanks!
DuetMonitor may be useful to some users of BtnCmd - so herewith a shameless plug ..
One of its capabilities is to send an email - independent of its monitoring function. The monitoring function can be disabled - at which point its an email sending program.
I use a Duet2 Ethernet wit RRF 3.3rc3
When i try to install the plugin, it uploads the files. But then nothing happens!?
There is no new plugin the "built-in plugin" tab. -
@cosmowave that's the wrong place. Look under machine specific for the other plugins tab
I have looked there. But there is also no plugin! -
@cosmowave Did you see the plugin installation wizard?
I have not installed 3.3rc3 yet, so I will have to do some tests once upgraded.
No, there was no wizard.
There was only the upload to the system files. Then nothing happens... -
@cosmowave The plugin installation wizard is a standard DWC feature, and not part of my plugin. It should of at least popped up and gave you an error message at the very minimum. This suggests something else is going wrong.
I will test on 3.3rc3.